Chapter 37: Just The Three of Us!

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It's been a couple days since Logan had his 1 to 1 with The Rock and it's helped build Logan for the "Heel", he's meant to be but it doesn't seem to be working, the fans are praising him on Social Media and other sources for his mic work against arguably the best to do it, he's scheduled for RAW tomorrow night, so he needs to get a flight today, before that however, he woke up with a very intense urge he needed to lose.

Logan: Shit...

Logan sighed as Alexis is laying on his side, resting her head on his chest, her left hand on his pec while he knew her sex drive was 10 fold since she got pregnant, he completely forgot about his and to be fair, with her's, she's been wiping his out completely, he hasn't felt like this in weeks, with the girls, they've been keeping him busy but now he needs the help and managed to get out from under his soon to be wife and the mother of his nearly here daughter.

Logan didn't need to do much since Alexis rolled to her back when he moved her of him, that just meant he needed to slipped under the covers, move her shorts down, which was a little harder then you'd think considering he's trying not to wake her up, once he got her shorts off, he had a clear view of her bare pussy, she didn't wear panties to bed last night.

Logan: ... Easy access.

Alexis' breaths started to hitch as Logan's tongue gently ran from the base of her pussy to her clit, Logan's already horny, he woke up horny, he knows that Alexis will be as well, he just thought that this would be the best way to wake her, the only thing that sucks is he can't see her face from this position, both the covers and baby bump getting in the way.

Alexis: Hmmm ~

Logan smiled to himself as her legs stayed apart for him, she was pretty much kicking him but he didn't care, he wanted her to cum before she wakes up, or wake her up while he's eating her pussy, either way, the idea is just making Logan more and more excited, he knew she was starting to wake though, her right hand slid under the covers towards her pussy as her legs stretched out more for him, not so much her kicking him.

Alexis: Ooo ~ Logan ~

Call him egotistical but Logan loved the idea that she's having a wet dream and thinking about him, it also makes him feel more like an asshole for pissing her off a few weeks back now, this is his way of making it up to her, eating her pussy till she awoke from her peaceful sleep, you could also call him an asshole for waking up a heavily pregnant women, Alexis does a lot of sleeping lately now though so she'll get her rest, this is a good thing.

Logan knew it since he's pretty sure she's now awake, her moans are louder, her grip on his hair was tighter and the covers moved off them, letting the morning sunshine force Logan's eyes to close, he went from the dark under the sheet to a bright light in the corner of his eyes, it didn't stop him from what he was doing though, enjoying the taste of his fiance's pre cum.

Alexis: You couldn't have waited till I was awake?

She asked after Logan gave her pussy one last long lick, adding her butt hole to this one, Alexis isn't a great fan of Anal, she does let Logan and others do it but no where near as much as Ashley or Gionna does, that doesn't matter though, the guys will never force any of the girls to do something they don't want to do.

Logan: Do you want me to stop?

Logan moved to his hands and knees, crawling up her body, leaving kisses as he does, a couple more on his unborn daughter, then paying attention to her sensitive tits, only because she told him that when Logan gives her tits little kisses, they actually feel a lot better, Logan's just trying to make her feel as good as he can during her pregnancy.

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