4. Jam Republic

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It's been four years since Binna practically disappeared off the face of earth and she's been really happy

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It's been four years since Binna practically disappeared off the face of earth and she's been really happy. After leaving without a trace, she settled on moving back to the United States in a small town in the state of Ohio.

She attended a community college that was in that town and pretty much lived a normal life. She deleted all her social media accounts and pretty much turned her phone off. She bought a small phone that could pretty much only call people and has been using that only when she needs to talk to someone.

However, she hasn't been using it much considering she only just started catching up with her parents two years after her moving. Of course, when she first called they were relieved that she was okay, but they wanted to know where she was. But she stood firm on her decision of not wanting people to know where she was.

Her parents told her that her friends and the rest of her family had been worried about her, but all she said was to tell them she was fine. They tried to get her to call Kirsten and Parris but she didn't want any reminders of her old life.


On one fateful night, Binna received a call from a familiar number but she could exactly remember exactly who. She hesitated answering the first, but just decided to get it over with.

With a deep sigh, she answers the phone. "Hello," she says, as she places the small phone up to her ear.

"Hey Binna, this is Kirsten. How are you? Says the person on the other line.

"Oh- hey. I'm - uhm.' she quickly staggers out. "I'm doing great Kirsten. How have you been?" she replies quietly.

'Im been doing good.I missed you, you know? I wish you could've told us you were leaving." Kirsten says as her voice slightly cracks.

"I know Kirsten. ANd I am so sorry that I did that to you guys. I've missed you yall  too. I just had to get away from everything. Seeing all the articles, and old videos of us dancing, and going to your competitions, and not being able to dance really hurted, and I just...couldn't deal with it anymore." Binna lets out.

"Yeah, I understand now. I just wished you could have talked to us before just getting up and leaving." she says. "But that's not the only reason I called you. Uhm... I've recently been contacted by MNET to be a part of a dancing competition show that is based in South Korea.  It will just be two groups including us that's internations, the other group is from japan. MY group will be with the Jam Republic agency." Kirsten lets out.

"Oh my goodness!" binna squeak as she jumps in excitement for her friends. "I'm so happy for you Kirsten, you deserved this," she says with a wide smile.

"Thank you Binna." She replies. "I just wanted to ask you if you could be a part of this with me. I know this is a long shot, but you're an amazing dancer, and having you on my team would mean a lot to me."

"Kirsten, : Binna sighs. I haven't danced in four years. I've literally ghosted the world. I don't think I want to be in the limelight again. My mental health is finally at a healthy state and I don't want it to be destroyed all over again."

"I know. But think of it like this. You've been dancing since you were five years old. Dancing is literally what you were born to do. You have never lost a competition, and hell, you used to out dance Parris sometimes, she added. "But don't tell her I said that" she quickly whispers out.

Binna lets out a few giggles. While shaking her head. "Look! I'll think about it. She says.

"Thank you so much. That's all I can ask for you. If you decide that you want to do it, I've emailed you all the information. Just please think nk about it. She adds before ending the phone call.

Binna removes the phone from her ears, and places her head in both of her hands. She was terrified of joining the dance world again. Scared of rejection, not being good enough, and not being able to remember how to dance. She didn't want to go through what she went through again. However, she didn't want to disappoint Kirsten. She loved her dearly, she always made sure to support her even when she did it anonymously.

So with a heavy heart, she quickly grabbed her old phone and turned it on. Ready to face the troubles and blessings of the past.


Sorry y'all this is a bit shortcut i just wanted this to be a separate chapter from when the show actually starts. Anyways I hope y'all enjoyed! The next chapter will be later on today or tomorrow! Bye Loves.

Have a great day/night!❤️

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