The Office: Amelia - 05 July 2019

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Amelia sat at her desk in the monotonous, fluorescent-lit office, her fingers anxiously tapping the keyboard. Her mind kept drifting back to the meeting she had just had with her direct manager, Mr. Anderson. The conversation had been brief, but it left her feeling uneasy and apprehensive.

As she left Mr. Anderson's office, she made a conscious effort to appear composed, her lips curved into a tight smile, and her shoulders held high. She didn't want her colleagues to sense her unease. Amelia had always been known for her vibrant and cheerful demeanour at work, and she was determined not to let anything disrupt that facade.

Amelia sat at her desk, the hum of the office around her. Her mind was preoccupied with the events of the day she was feigning her usual composed exterior, however, a storm of unease raged within her.

She glanced around at her colleagues, all focused on their work, seemingly oblivious to her inner turmoil. Amelia couldn't let anyone see that something was amiss. She forced a smile, engaging in casual office chitchat as if everything were perfectly normal.

As the minutes ticked by, her anxiety grew unbearable. She excused herself from her desk, muttering something about needing to use the restroom, and made her way to the dimly lit bathroom down the hall.

She just needed to hear Callux's voice to calm her down. She tried calling him, but it went to voicemail; "I'm really tired of sneaking around, Lux," she said, her voice strained with emotion. "We have to tell Caitlyn at some point, you know how dangerous she can get when she's upset. I love you, Lux." The phone beeped after the voicemail, and she hung up. She splashed cold water on her face, willing herself to regain her composure. As she stepped out of the bathroom and back into the office, she forced a smile onto her face, masking the turmoil within.

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