•Chapter 5•

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"As I said before," I started, "my name is Luca Demonte. I was born and lived in Rome, Italia."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Italia? Where is that?" she questioned. I mentally face-palmed, cursing myself for being so out of the current world.

"I meant Italy. I used to live in Italy," I gruffly said. Only a few moments and I was already becoming annoyed with the mortal. She crossed her arms.

"Okay... so what do you want from me?" she cautiously asked. I truly looked at her for the first time since seeing her. She had a paler complexion, and her light hair framed her face perfectly, running down until the small of her back. Her face was almost flawless, no blemishes or anything of the like to be seen. Her small nose, her full lips, and her blue eyes. 

She cleared her throat, clearing me of my mental scolding. I sighed.

"Let's start with a name, love. I'd like a name," I said, leaning up against the door of the closet and crossing my arms. She looked at me skeptically, before giving me her answer.

"My name is Brylee, Brylee Miranda Andrews" she murmured.

I chuckled darkly, shaking my head. "There's your first mistake, love. You never give your full name to a demon. Especially one who's as powerful as me."

As the words came out of my mouth, Brylee's eyes grew wide. She took a step back and gave me a very wary look. Fear was rolling off of her in waves. I inwardly chuckled at her reaction. Then, after a moment, she obtained a smug look on her face.

"I don't believe you," she said confidently, and I smirked. Show time.

I transported right behind her, before whispering in her ear, "Boo."

Brylee screamed, and I chuckled once again. She whipped around apparently a little too quickly, for she stumbled and fell back on her bed, staring at me once again with those wide eyes. I opened my mouth to speak again, but before a sound could escape she stood up and dashed towards the door. She hadn't made it more then two steps before I shut the door.



The door slammed shut in my face. I grasped the knob and tried to turn it, but it wouldn't budge. Confused, I turned it again, even resorting to banging on the door. This didn't make any sense. My door didn't have a lock on it.

I slowly turned to face Luca. There was a demon in my room. A demon was standing a mere few feet away from me. He had a smug look painted on his face, his body slumped up against the wall and arms folded across his chest. He chuckled deeply.

"So, Brylee, I have to ask," he suddenly appeared barely an inch from my face, "do you believe me now?"

His hot breath fanned my face, and I found myself lost of words, so I merely gave a nod. His hard stare held for a few more moments, before he turned and sat on my bed. He looked up at me, his eyes narrowed a bit.

"What did you see last night?" he asked lowly. I furrowed my brow and looked at the ground.

"I-I don't know..." I muttered. I looked back to Luca, who was still looking at me with those slightly narrowed amber eyes. I sighed.

"I went for a walk, and then that... that thing attacked me. I ran, and tripped, and before the thing could kill me, you killed it," I said, "that's what I saw. What- what was that thing anyway?"

He looked as if he was deep in thought. I waited for a few more awkward moments, before realizing he probably hadn't heard my question. I snapped my fingers in front of his face, causing him to jump. He looked at me confused, and I sighed.

"I asked," I said, shooting him a dirty look, "what was that thing that chased me?"

He rolled his eyes, but then gave me a serious look.

"A hapalit" he said simply.

I scoffed. "You say that as if it's something I should know" I said, hoping the attitude was evident in my voice. He just rolled his eyes again. I sighed.

"So," I began, "you're a demon then?"

"I thought we already established that when I closed and locked your door, which doesn't have a lock on it" he said, a smirk planted on his smug face. I shot him a dirty look.

"Yes, I am," he chuckled. Questions ran through my mind. Just the past Thursday at my youth group, ?Rich had talked about demons and how they were always on the prowl, looking to strike a deal with a mortal. The deal could always differ, but in the end the human always lost their soul. Dick said to never trust a demon, they were satanic after all. Lying was all they did.

"What's it like?" I asked. He raised a brow.

"What's what like?" he asked.

"Being a demon."

He sighed, and ran a hand through his short blonde hair. When he looked at me, a jolt of fear ran through my body at the anger in his narrowed eyes.

"I don't need to tell you anything. What you need to do," he stood up, towering over me, "is forget what happened last night. Lucifer is going to have my neck already for releasing the hapalits, which killed a man last night. I don't need him to be pissed at me even more for having some human girl asking questions."

My breath hitched. His intense stare froze me, and I couldn't look away. It almost was as if he was looking into my soul, and perhaps that was the scariest part.

Maybe he was.

His hot breath fanned my face. I snapped out of it, and became slightly irritated.

"How do you expect me to forget last night? It was kind of the stuff that happens in my nightmares" I said, creating some distance between us and turning around.

He scoffed, "Oh yeah, you're one of those Jesus-freaks."

I whipped my head at him, shooting daggers in his direction.

"What do you mean, Jesus-freaks? In case you haven't noticed yet, you're a demon. Maybe you should consider that you should have been more like us 'Jesus freaks' and then you wouldn't have to deal with things like those hapa-whatevers and Lucifer wringing your neck!" I yelled, my voice becoming louder by the moment. Luca's eyes grew wide, and his mouth hung open a bit. I realized what just happened and froze.

What was that? You never freak out on anyone like that, ever. So why did you do it now?

Luca's shocked expression only lasted a heartbeat longer, before his usual cold look reclaimed its place.

"Fine, whatever. You can live in fear for the rest of your life for all I care, but do not tell anyone about the events that occurred last night. Because mark my words," he got close to me again, leaving less than an inch in between our faces, "I will find you, and when I do, you don't want to know what I'll do to you."

He smirked, and just like that, he was gone.

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