•Chapter 6•

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After Luca left, the rest of the day went surprisingly normal. I relaxed, watched some TV, and, my personal favorite, ate food. I was in the middle of another episode of SpongeBob when my phone went off, alerting me of an incoming text message. 

I groaned loudly, not wanting to move, but got up and crossed the room into the kitchen where my phone lay on the island. I pressed the home button and saw that Tom had texted me, immediately causing a smile to light up my face. My friends and I all had one big group chat to stay connected easier. The people in the chat were Tom, the triplets Christine, Catherine, and Christian, Tyson, Chad (who's real name is Chadwick), and Cat (who's real name was Tabatha, but back in third grade people starting calling her Tabby Cat, which eventually just shortened to Cat)

          Tom: Where are u ???

          Christine: You asshat, you left me all alone with Mrs. Bowman in bio 1st period

I rolled my eyes at my screen before typing in my response.

          Brylee: Sorry guys, I think I caught a stomach bug.

          Tyson: Well can you un-catch it?

          Chad: .................

          Catherine: I don't think that's how that works Tyson


          Tom: But seriously Bry are you okay?

          Brylee: Don't worry guys I'm fine. I just didn't feel well this morning, but I'm still going to youth group tonight. See ya there 

And with that, I locked my phone and brought it back with me to the couch, resuming my SpongeBob marathon. By the time the episode was over and the next one was starting, I wasn't even paying attention. My focus was completely and totally set on Luca.

I debated texting Rich and asking if he could meet me at the church a little early or staying late so we could talk about it. Then, Luca's warning flashed across my mind.

"...do not tell anyone about the events that occurred last night. Because mark my words," he got close to me again, leaving less than an inch in between our faces, "I will find you, and when I do, you don't want to know what I'll do to you."

I sighed. Telling anyone was out of the question, at least for now. The way he said those words, I could tell he meant it. And the way he spoke of Lucifer, Satan, as if they were buddies. I couldn't wrap my head around it. I said a quick prayer, asking that God help me through this confusing situation. 

After my prayer, I tried to focus on the TV, but failed. A quick glance at the clock told me that I still had a few hours until anyone got home, and a few hours after that I would leave for youth group. So, I whipped out my laptop and started surfing the internet. Before I even realized I was doing it, I was looking up things about demons. Most of what I found didn't really seem to fit Luca. I sighed.

The more I thought about the events that took place last night and this morning, the more disappointed with myself I felt. I probably had looked like a helpless child, and I couldn't stand that. The fact of how weak I was bothered me tremendously. An idea popped into my head, and didn't bother running by my conscience before deciding it was comfortable before settling there. 


About half an hour later, I was standing in a clearing in the woods, unloading my backpack of the necessary ingredients to what I was about to do. I took a stick and drew a pentagram in the dirt. Then, I placed a wooden bowl on the ground outside of the pentagram and began placing the ingredients inside. 

First, the coals. I took some that were taken from my garage and lit a match, setting them on fire. After a few minutes, they were burning steadily, so I braced myself for the next step. I shakily took the knife out of the bag and sliced it across my palm, created a good blood flow. Slowly but surely, the blood made its way downwards and dripped into the bowl, sizzling on the burning coals. 

Then, I chanted the incantation, Luca's image placed firmly in my mind:

"Ad ligandum eos paritar eos coram me." 

At first, nothing happened. I was disappointed, how had I failed? I was about to call it quits and head home, when I jumped at the brute voice that yelled at me.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"

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