chapter 3.Now to make a plan

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A/N this one is going to be somewhat long and has very Slight cussing so plz dont go haywire or complain about how long it was


was all we heard before opening the door

"All right just go to the back and find crate 'o' quietly" i said before opening the door to enter

"Helooooo"Grace and Carlos shouted as they entered the warehouse just to make an echo and ignore when I said 'quiet'

"Really?"Dice says quickly before the echo ends

"Apparently so"I say right after

"Dummy Dice" Thomas shouts before laughing uncontrollably

"oh You..."before Dice could go and attack Thomas i grabbed him by his collar and pined him to the floor

"Hey Crest...Get of..ME!"

"No calm down"

"but he.."

"I don't care what he did i'll deal with him later now, CALM DOWN! "

"NO!"and from that he pushed me of him and it turned into a full blown wrestling match and boy was he trying. soon Dice had me pined down ONLY because my foot gave out for a second

"Well FINALLY your first win"I said smirking,Red slightly dusted his face


"Well you tried hard,"I flipped him and pined him down again


"But not good enough."Dice looked kind of surprised and a bit flustered 


"so,what happened to your AMAZING strength Mr. Flex a lot?" 

^Flash Back^

"AHHHH MERCY MERCY!!!"I let go of him

" I WIN! well dice looks like i'm still stronger than you to make you scream like that"

"Very funny...I was....I was just playing and letting you win "

"Well than,Wanna play again?"

At this point Dice looked terrified i was always stronger than him,But i never Knew why, i had strength like Jack and was always scary to the other girls.

"n-no thanks I uh, I-I have to g-go find Jack before h-he gets into trouble"Dice said shaken up by our game

"Oh,OK. Well see you later than."I waved but he dashed of leaving me alone at recess again with only a paper and pencil.

^time skip to 5th/6th grade^

"look at these 'bad boys'"

"enough flexing Moron"

"yea Dice that's really getting annoying"grace said still looking disgusted from dice flexing

"whatever"Dice said putting his "guns"away

"Hey crest...wanna arm wrestle?"

"And get beat like last time?"

"Not this time iv'e been working out that's why my muscles are so big "

"sure"I said under my breath "alright lets get this over with"

"Ready Crest?"

"NO just lemme go take a shower first"

Dice rolled his eyes"One...Two...THREE"

the match started and we sat for 4 minutes not moving from the starting position.Slowly my arm was getting pushed back,As he was about to win i stopped him and kept his hand steady at the one angle.Eventually my arm gave out and he won.

"Who's winning now, Crest."

"Ass" I said under my breath"good job on winning Dice"

"Thank you Crest,and now to arm wrestle Jack"

"oh brother,Make sure your phones handy 'cause once he's finished with you,your arm will be broken and you will be on the floor crying"i found myself smiling by the time i finished this  

"thanks for the encouragement" 

"hehe your welcome" and he turned from me and ran to find Jack to arm wrestle and left me by myself AGAIN sitting on the ground at recess.

^Flash back End^

I got up and helped up Dice too,Dice scowled and brushed himself off.Before we could walk back Will ran and told us that we were heading down already

*Time skip brought to you by Carlos*

"so whats the plan Cresty"will asked trying to balance his chair on one leg

"well we've all saved up the money like I asked right?"almost everyone replied

"because we've saved the money for so long how 'bout we kinda run away on an adventure!"

"And how would we do that?"Dice butted in

"Shut your trap Dice" Dice just smirked because he knew he made you mad and he LOVED seeing you mad

"Anyway i'll make up a fake permission slip to give to our parents and,before you butt in Dice,it will say that all expenses are payed because the school was selected to go where ever all expenses payed for the 9th grade classes"  

"hmm i like it Nana"Georgia said and smiled 

"its actually not bad"Thomas said stroking his chin like he has a beard

"so we gotta deal?"I asked everyone so I don't have people screwing up the plan when it's finished 

"YEAH!"everyone yelled cheering after

"okay good, now we have an hour before 10 and we should hit the sack early do we can get up early and get packing "

"I agree with Crest"Aria had yelled out

"I'M GOING TO TAKE A SHOWER SO ANYBODY WHO HAS TO GO PEE OR TAKE A DUMP DO SO NOW!"Georgia yelled as she grabbed her cloths to take her shower 

I thought I might as well change before getting in line so when done,I can work on the computer with Dice,ONLY cause he can hack into computer files and computers in general.

"well time to go wait in line before i don't get to go to the bathroom" as i walked from my room i realized Will was looking at me because my plaid red flannel pajama top was hanging of my shoulder some and he's NEVER seen me with any shirt that falls off me.I shrugged it off and went to stand in line.    

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