Chatper 18 - Kala, You Fucked Up

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A/N: There is a lot of swearing in this chapter... You have been warned :)


I hear Archer's voice first, cutting through all the other sounds around me. My muscles feel like jelly as I force my eyes open and pull myself up into a sitting position. I scan the room around me, little has changed. Finn is still by the cage, Jedrek is still by the door we first came in. But he is gone. I struggle up to my feet, losing my balance and fall into Archer's arms.

"Where is he?!" I hiss. "Where did he go?"

I push against Archer to let me go as my legs shake. This can't be happening. Jedrek flits across the space towards us. I break Archer's grip and step out from him, throwing my wings out at Jedrek. He stops where he is, just slightly further away than would be considered polite for a conversation, tucking his wings in tight against his back. That's fine by me. It's not him I want to fight. I hiss at him through bared teeth. He points off to the side and I'm in motion instantly, propelling myself across the room through a door I can see on the other side. I'm so fucking mad. How could I let him get to me like that? I crash against the door which flies off its hinges, tripping over the door frame and falling outside into the cool night air. I just manage to stay on my feet, wobbling to a stop. A few metres away is a sleek black sports car with the window down. His ugly, red face leans out the window grinning as he waves his fat fingers at me. The car tyres spin out, kicking dirt up towards me, and it speeds off, fishtailing out the drive.

For a split second I am tempted to run after the car, to rip him right out the window, but I'm not stupid, even on my best day I couldn't keep up with a speeding car. I half growl and half spit in frustration. I spin around screaming and punch straight into the solid brick wall which shatters around my fist.

"Fuck!" I recoil in pain.

My hand feels on fire, somehow throbbing with pain and numb at the same time. My arm shakes. Something is broken for sure, probably more than a few things. But it's ok. The physical pain is better than everything else I feel right now. Archer and Jedrek come running through the door, pausing in front of me. Archer immediately focuses on my hand, blood dripping down to the ground. The surface cuts are already healing, I can feel that. The pain has dulled slightly. I eye off the wall again. I have a left hand too...

"Kala," Jedrek says, watching my gaze, eyes flicking down to my left hand which is twitching.

"He was here, Jedrek, I had my chance and... fuck! I fucked it up! I let him win. Again," I say through my teeth as tremors run through my body.

Jedrek locks his eyes with mine and makes a show of taking a deep breath. I take a deep breath with him and try to steady myself. Archer grasps my broken hand in his gently.

"At least I hurt the wall too," I say, trying to smile.

"It's a good thing Sofia was already expecting you," Archer replies.

"You two can go wait in the van, we'll finish up here," Jedrek says.

Jedrek nods to me then turns and heads back inside. I look towards the recently stitched up tip of my wing and groan. I can't even fly away from this hell hole. I lean in towards Archer and kiss him. His strong hands hold me against him gently as I hold in the flood of tears which threaten to spill out.

Archer practically leads me straight back to the infirmary once we arrive at the community. The entire return trip has been silent, which is mostly my fault. I'm not interested in menial chatter right now, and to be honest, my hand freaking hurts. Sofia is waiting for us in the lobby, her eyes bee lining for my wing then settling on my hand. She rolls her eyes at me.

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