Bad Day

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So umm,u guys, I kinda messed up Kristen and Kristene names. Kristen is supposed to be the one who just moved to Lansing. Kristene is supposed to be the one who is a nerd. Kristene has Diamond as the mom and Kristen has the mom Crystal. No change for the moms. ENJOY!!!!!


I walked up to Jayda, Anesa , and La'Niyah and they were laughing and giggling and looking at the girl who invited me to sit with her......Reminding me of that, I need to apologize to her!!!!

Kristen: I'm so sorry that I didn't sit with u on Monday. I couldn't find u and then Jayda Anesa and La'Niyah invited me over...... I waz then rudely interrupted by Kristene yell.

Kristene: Hol up! U mean Jayda Anesa and La'Niyah from r class?!?

Kristen: Yea y u ask?!?

Kristene: Hello do u kno that they're those types of girls that looks like hanging out with them would be fun but they're really bullies.

I was so embarrassed because evryone waz turnt around and looking at me and Kristene. I couldn't believe she cussed me out like that in front of the whole entire class. I decided that it was time to fight fire with fire!

Kristen: Look here I don't kno who u think your talking to lil girl...but I can hang out wit whoeva I want to hang out u accept or we can't be friends....doesn't look like u hav any friends at this choose lonely or unlonely?!?!?


All of a sudden out of no where, Kristene punched me in the back. It kind of hurt but i shook it off, and punched her in the stomach.

I don't kno how the teacher didn't see , but she did after while. Then she sent us to the principal office and we got suspended for two days.

Crystal: So this is wat I raised? A fighter? U grounded for a month! No buts no nothing u will finish yo hw eat dinner and go to,bed early.

Kristen: This is so unfair . I neva get to do anything. U always punish. Last time u punished me,was because I didn't clean the kitchen bathroom and living room in 2 hrs. I get no appreciation. All u care about is Bryan. U by him 4 to 5 outfits a month. Can u even remember the last time u bought me a outfit? December on Christmas! U jus don't care!


My mom was super quite now. I guess I waz right. The whole ride home we were both quite. We got home I went into my room, and slammed the door I didn't hear anything else from her that night. She fed me tho.


Diamond: Im not even mad at u Kristene. I jus don't want it to happen again. Do u understand me?

Kristene: Yes mom


I was furious with Kristen. How could someone who seems so nice might jus turn out to be my next enemy. I'm sick of people hurting my feelings.


P.S. Just so u guys should kno, Bryan is Kristen's younger brother. I will be adding people that I kno in my 5th chapter. Thanks 4 reading!!!! Stay in touch!!!!

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