★My pain take it away

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"Heyyy!!" Jo almost freaked out when he pushed the door and it didn't slid open

He couldn't believe he was locked inside his school

I am still inside!!
Please somebody open the door !!!"

He kept banging on the glass door until both of his palm started itching

Jo backed away from the door, feeling very anxious, he has a huge fear of locked spaces and its a matter of time until he start to lose his shit for real.


"What are you doing ?"
K curiously asked as he saw a panicky Jo soaked from head to toe, he even wore his uniform inside out from the rush.

But he still didn't make it in time.
Jo almost forgot that the older was still there

Thank god he never felt happy to see him as much as he did right now

"K oniisan we are locked here the door is locked !"

Jo said in the most natural way to the older as he walked toward him

The older chuckled slightly, Surprised alittl bit

Jo realised what slipped out from his mouth.

The best way to hide his embarrassment was putting distance between them again, Jo stood against the wall and closed his eyes tightly feeling regrets, as he slid down to sit on the ground.

While K quickly pulled his phone and tried dealing some of the teachers phone numbers that he had saved recently, but none answered, they were already home by their families side, not a single shit to give about the world till next morning.


"You will catch a cold, get up" K told the younger who was sitting on the ground all this time

Jo shrugged his shoulders

"Call your family, we have no other option" K said

Jo stared at him for a moment

"I can't Ok!! If I could I wouldn't be sitting here "

" Chill "." its not like I am forcing you,
We can wait till tomorrow if you want, its no deal for me "

Jo looked madly away from the older, he was getting on hsi nerves again

"Why are you even here??
You already ruined my whole day
I don't want to spend the night with you,
K sighed " I know ok I understood that part and I am not a fan of you either !" He drily told him

The older let a bigger sigh
"Let's go find another exit and hope we could get out of here or else we will be in trouble".

He offered his hand to the younger
To help him stand up

Jo ignored the hand that reached to him
And stood on his own
Making k's arm hang in the air.

As they walked around,
Jo started shivering from the cold the power was turned down so no powered climatisation, his wet hair wasn't going to dry on its own in such a short time .
Jo wrapped his arms around himself

And k become aware

"Here ....take my coat " he didn't think twice and offered gently
placing it around the youngster's shoulder before he even had the time to reject .

A Bit Of Jealousy |KJo | &TeamWhere stories live. Discover now