★ Sweet heart

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The two boys had reached their final destination


K switched the lights on
And walked inside the villa like it was his bedroom
Dropped his coat on the sofa and started unbuttoning a few buttons of his shirt

While Jo stood there in the middle, playing with the him of his jacket as he watched him

Jo was a bit lost cause he slept the whole ride in the older's car. And suddenly found himself in this place


"K oniisan... why are we here?" Jo asked

"I ... Aghm " K cleared his throat

What ?"

"Please be comfortable using anything you need "

K suddenly turned around and smiled softly
"Because we are going to stay here for some time"

What does that mean " Jo started to worry, how much time did he mean ?
The older noticed how Jo was starting to frown and built ideas in his head


K advanced toward him

Until they were standing closer

Jo shouldn't have moved away like a coward but he did and now K has stepped even more into his personal space

K placed his hand on the younger's broad shoulders making him jump a little bit

Before he slid them over his arm to make hime ease down, making the younger get used to his touch

"Or are you maybe scared of staying alone with me Jo ?"K said while smiling teasingly

"W-why are you talking like this" Jo shifted his head away from the older gaze, his ears were already turning red

" I am not scared of you" he added with a frown

The older chuckled at his admirably cute reaction
" Good"

"I need to take a shower"

Don't try to run away ok?"

"Whatever!" While looking away Jo still failed to hide his blush from the older


Jo watched him run upstairs

then quickly run toward the main door

"Shit" To find it locked

He gulped nervously

K is for sure planning for something
But all Jo knows is he is capable of everything

For the meantime Jo sat in the living room in total silence waiting for the older.
Proving how well raised he is, he knows just because the owner told him to be comfortable in his house it doesn't mean this place is his own to be wandering around alone.


He was still fine doing nothing, But that was until all the lights were turned off
Huh.. K !
K ?!" Jo stood up in a panicky state
"Jo !"
"I am coming to you don't move ok "

He heard him call from somewhere


K was back with a candle

"Aaah " a big whine left his mouth

I forget the electricity here isn't powered 24 a day, my parents never come here that's why

We have no other option but to sit in the dark until the power goes back".
" I am sorry Jo"

He placed the candle in the middle of the coffee table and made a place for himself next to the younger

"You are not scared of the dark right?
Jo shook his head slightly
If you need anything you can tell me "

" Thank you"

"You are not too talkative I see".

Jo kept silent as he watched the older

"It's quite hot here I hope you don't mind me being shirtless tonight"

Jo bites his lips when he finally noticed the older's bare chest

"Like what you see ?"
K teased

Jo looked away hiding the blush
"don't look away
I don't mind it...

I-I mean..... You looking at me "

And K stuttered, he stopped talking suddenly feeling shy too, but Jo looking at him that way made him grow hope.

Jo couldn't help but take another glance since the older allowed him

"You can touch it if you want" K interrupted his admiration
"What I.."

K without waiting took the younger's hand in his then placed it on his chest slightly moved it down to reach his abdomen

He got to feel his hot skin
Jo gulped
"I think that's enough "


"Huh?" suddenly the weather in the room felt hot too, Jo felt the need to breath some fresh air

"Do you like me ?"K's voice was a bit lower than usual
Jo immediately pulled his sweaty hand back and rubbed it on his jeans

"Jo I .....really want us to be comfortable with each other" but what K meant to say was, I want to touch your hand without scaring you


"Nonsense, stop talking like that!" Jo said suddenly sounding irritated,

"I know you may be having mixed feelings right no.."

"Just Stop! talking like you know how I Feel!! " Jo's angry reaction startled the older

K felt like losing control over their conversation
" alright, let's avoid fighting ok"

"Why are you doing this ?!!" Jo continued as he stood up this time looking frustrated and K worriedly followed his move.

"You already know how I feel about you
I spent my whole life hating you
Now you act nice to me and expect me to change who I am within a day ?"

"Because we are not getting anywhere if you keep thinking that way!! you should forget the past and do yourself a favor"


K looked at him blankly with the lips parted for a moment

Before he pointed at the younger's chest

"Here "


At his heart


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