★To end with you

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Everything happened in a hurry

Jo was brought in another police car to his parents
Whom expectedly were already at the police station waiting

"Son "
His mom run to hug him
While his dad stood still looking all grumpy

Jo was traumatized after all those events happening one after another, he wasn't in the right mind to be dealing with his parents, he just wanted to know where did they take K

"May you follow me inside" a police officer come across them

Your testimony is necessary in this case" he informed Jo

And Jo nodded before he looked behind him to see his parents following

"I don't want you to come!" He yelled at his dad, right now he was the least person he wanted to see.

Only his mom joined him

"Officer where is K ?"
Was the first thing Jo asked
"He is innocent please release him" Jo placed his hands on the table in front of the man hoping for a satisfying answer

"Please sit down first" the man gestured with his hands
"We litteraly found you locked in that house "

"Omg what a monster" his mom commented while covering her mouth

Jo clenched his fists, as he was taken over by anger, K didn't leave him a chance to defend his ass .

"Its not the first time we deal with abusive boyfriends
Its usless for you to defend him Since
your boyfriend admitted his act and how he planned to do it too" Jo's bloods were boiling, he threw his body on the chair behind him

"Don't be scared and tell us what happened in that house
Did he physically harm you?
How many times did he confine you against your will in the past few months?
Were there other people who helped him ?
Did anyone witness?

The policeman asked many other questions, making Jo feel unwell in his stomach

"He didn't do anything! I swear he isn't a bad guy like my parents imply, and I followed him with my own will!"

The man placed the pin he was using aside after writing Jo's statement "That's for us to decide, an investigation will be opened about him and his background, he will be staying locked for now"
Wait! What if he isn't proved innocent?"

He will be sentenced up to 10 years or more that depends on the circumstances of your case "
"Please no, No!"

The man sighed

"You can leave now, we will contact you for farther information "

"C-can I see him at least?!" Jo pleaded

"Since you are still considered minor ,
Your parents will decide for you "

Jo looked deadly at his mom

"Don't look at me like this I am a mom , it's my job to protect you"

Jo was overwhelmed by emotions, he really felt unwell and ran outside the police building to take some fresh air

"Huh huh .. what if K doesn't make it out ?"
Jo sat on the stairs in front of the building and placed his head on his knees

Before he started sobbing

his cries became louder and louder

even passengers started to look at him and feel bad.

A young man's life was going to be destroyed because of him..

A Bit Of Jealousy |KJo | &TeamWhere stories live. Discover now