★ I lost in your arms

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Jo rushed inside his house as he reached home.

His heart was throbbing like crazy, lips and throat were dry as fvck.
He just got stalked today by the great Koga Yudai !
that maniac was going to run him over with his car for teh second time while Jo was speeding on his bike
Jo felt like either he was going to lose his life or get kidnapped today.

Gladly none happened to him
But why even at home he doesn't feel safe from him
As if He can get here anytime and snatch him from this place

His phone vibrated

Unknown number//

don't go home !!

He is talking like Jo got anywhere to go except home
This guy needs to get a gripe of himself
Jo's life isn't a game to be controlled by anyone

"Bastard" whenever Jo remembers the feeling of their hands intertwined together he just want to puke

He hates him so much for it.

Nothing changed he is still living under k's shadow no matter what he does or what he becomes People will see K first then him
Jo gets sick just by thinking that way

Looking from the good side, its not that bad
He still can go to school tomorrow and finish his education without getting bullied, as long as his parents don't hear anything about today's scandal.

He should mentally be prepared for his competition tomorrow, if he gets the first place then he can break this cycle of shame and get his parents proud of him

Jo sat his mind and tried to look composed, by fixeing his tie and shirt before he walked in the living room

"I am home " he announced


The atmosphere felt heavy for a reason Jo was not so sure of.

But whenever his parents are gathered in one place it means there is a serious matter to discuss

"Did you have fun at school today ?"

His dad sounded calm but yet angry

Just like the weird silence before the storm.

The bad news had probably reached his family too.


" I- I can explain" Jo panicked when his dad glared at him, and didn't know where to start, even tho nobody said a thing yet


"I can't believe I raised a shameless guy like you".

And Jo's heart skipped

"How low of you, to even consider having a relationship with my most enemies son"

Jo couldn't process his dads word one by one
He was so scared that all his body started shaking

" But its not your fault its Mine, I shouldn't have put too much trust into my own son "

"No Dad, none of what you heard is true I swear, its all one of his evil game "
But none of Jo's pleadings were heard

" You already lost our trust!" his mom added.

"I don't care when you started meeting that guy or how much feeling you resent to him,
It ends tonight !

Its either this or I will disown you!

I will erase you from my life forever !" his dad threatened.

Jo's eyes widned in disbelief
As tears streamed down from them non stop

He can't believe how easy his dad could say such a thing to him
It was the first time ever Jo felt not loved, wanted by his parents

Jo hates to admit it but K was so right
No matter how hard he tries
He is not worthy enough
And as long as he let his parents dictate his life as they please

He will remain unhappy


Jo had locked himself in his bedroom,
Just like his dad siad
It all ends tonight.

He is not making any effort from now on

He placed his head on his desk to rest his mind from everything

But his phone started vibrating

Unknown number/////

We need to talk

I know you are not sleeping
Your lights are on

Jo moved to the window and pulled the curtains to find a silhouette of a grown man standing in front of their house

Jo looked back at his phone

Unknown number//

I am not leaving before
I see you

Jo ended sneaking outside the house while his parents slept

It was dark outside and K walked immediately toward the boy  as he saw him getting out from the main door

Hi " k said

Hi " Jo said but his voice sounded weak his throat was dry

"you cried"
K placed his big hand covering the younger's hot cheek and wipped the remaining tear with his thumb

But that didn't stop the tears from falling again

"I told you not to go home "

You were right !" Jo said with a broken voice

And k couldn't help but hug him

"Agh ugh ah " Jo placed his head on the older chest and started sobbing again

" shhh I am here "

"I really want to take you and run away from here.... from everyone "

Jo doesn't know why but the older words sent shivers down his spine, more like it made him excited

He slowly pulled away

"Isn't this called kidnapping?" He said too shy to look in the older eyes

K chuckled

"Call it what you want....

"Are you in ?" K asked more than serious


......Jo nodded


And that's how the two boys left

Without anyone noticing


Its luné 🌕
Sorry for taking so much time
It feels hard to write anything these days
But I will try my best

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