5 - Meeting Charlie Ross

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It was a particularly rainy day when Bently first met Charlie.
Bently had stepped outside for a few minutes after an...incident in his French class. He soon noticed it was raining. Bently really liked the rain, as it helped him sleep at night and calmed him down during the day. Which was just what he needed right about now.
Bently sat on the school steps, watching the rain fall and listening to it as it hit the ground. But he also heard another sound. It almost sounded like...crying? Bently got up, not minding that he was getting wet, and headed over to where he thought the sound was coming from. "Hello?" He slowly asked. He didn't get a response, but still heard the sound, so he called out again. "Hello? Is anyone there?" He called again. This time, he did get a response. Well...sort of.
A young boy, dripping wet from the rain, came out of a nearby bush. Bently's motherly instincts, that he honestly didn't know he had, kicked in. He took the boy into his dorm room. "Are you okay?" Bently asked as he looked through his clothes, trying to find something that would fit the boy. When he received no response, he asked a different question. "What were you doing out in the rain?" Bently asked. Charlie softly sighed. "I...ran away from my family." He replied. Bently looked up. "Oh...I-I'm so sorry...what caused it?" Bently asked. "Just...you wouldn't understand." Charlie said. Bently sat beside him. "I bet I would. Just try me." He said. Charlie sighed. "My brother Brendon..thinks he can control everyone. Get anything he wants. He acts like he's royalty or something. I finally got sick of it so I left." Charlie said. Bently hugged him. "I don't have siblings but I know how you feel in a way." He replied.
Charlie and Bently got changed into some dry clothes, and Charlie began looking around Bently's room. "You...wow." He says with a soft laugh. "Wh- oh." Bently said, realizing what Charlie was looking at. "Um...y-you weren't supposed to see that." Bently quickly said. Charlie giggled. "It's fine. I think it's cool. You know, I like Panic too." He said. Bently's eyes lit up almost immediately. "YOU DO?!" He yelled. Charlie giggled. "Yeah I do." He replied.
The two sat on Bently's bed and talked Panic for hours, until Malik came in. "Another friend?" He asked. Bently nodded. "Yeah! Charlie, this is my roommate Malik." Bently said. Charlie smiled and waved. "Does he have anywhere to stay?" Malik asked. "And before you say anything, no he's not staying with us." He added. Bently pouted, but soon got an idea. "Hey! You can stay in Cain's room. I'm sure he wouldn't mind having a roommate." Bently said.
He got up, grabbed Charlie's hand, and went to Cain's room. Without even knocking, Bently entered the room. Cain was sitting on his bed, in nothing but his boxers, a book in hand. He looked up for only a split second. "Bently, I know we're best friends, but you really should knock. I could've been naked." He said. "Sorry." Bently replied. "Anyway. This is your new roommate, Charlie." Bently said. Charlie slightly waved. Cain got up, putting his book down, and went over to Charlie. "Hello." He said. Charlie smiled. "Hi." Charlie replied. "How's your arm, by the way?" Bently asked. Cain rubbed the bandage. "Still sore...but better." He said. Charlie's curiosity got the best of him. "What happened?" He asked. Cain sighed. "Bently here pissed off this girl he sits beside in French class, Ashlyn. She threw a pencil at him but missed...and it hit me in the arm." Cain said. "But don't worry. I'll be fine. It didn't go in very deep." He added. (A/N: yes, this is the incident mentioned at the beginning.)
Once he got Charlie settled in, Bently went back to his room and got in bed. He got comfy in bed and fell asleep almost immediately, the sound of the rain lulling him to sleep. Bently was so tired that he didn't even realize...
He'd gotten in bed with Malik.

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