Rules And Such

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Hello there! Welcome to my oneshot book of madness, now you may be wondering, what are the request limitations? well they are all written down here!

- No lemons!

- I will do og character x og character and og character x reader. (I will not do ocs!)

- I can do any kind of topic, insecure reader, sick reader, rogue reader, whatever you want really, but i will not do anything that may be perceived as controversial.

- I will be writing the reader with they/them pronouns 

- I will not do any characters in ASC, i have not read that far yet (Ive only finished River) and i dont want any spoilers (plus i may not be able to portray the characters correctly.)

- I will do wlw and mlm relationships 

- I will not do any big age gaps

- I will do platonic oneshots though, i love writing about father figures and besties :)

Like i said, the rules are pretty simple, cant wait to see your requests! <3

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