Squirrelflight x Unrequited! Reader

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Your nose twitched as the scent of mouse hit your maw, and ever so quietly, you could hear the little patters from inside a nearby bush. your ear twitched as you crouched, your eyes scanning the area as you grew closer to the bush, with each pawstep you took, you felt yourself tense up more and more, biting your lip as you tried your hardest to stay quiet, the smell of mouse was overwhelming now, you could practically taste it. You bunched up a bit and prepared yourself for the leap! AND!

"Y/n!!" A cheerful voice called out, startling you out of your hunting position and just like that, the smell left you as the mouse scurried away, only leaving traces of its scent behind. you turned around almost crossly as you looked over at the fluffy red-ish ginger molly, who had been looking at you with a smile on her face, before it quickly turned to a frown.

"Sorry Y/n, i didn't realize you were hunting something." She said quickly, a worried look entered her sharp green gaze as she looked behind her for a moment, and just like that, the happy grin returned as she looked back at you. "Come look what i found!" She smiled, before suddenly disappearing into the undergrowth once more.  You let out an almost defeated sigh as you followed her carefully. 

It wasn't that you necessarily minded her optimism, but sometimes the clumsiness that came with it often caused more problems than it should. as you slinked your way through the ferns, you eventually came up to a wide clearing, and once you made it all the way out, the smell of your favorite prey hit your nose. "Wow..you got this for me?" You asked, feeling your cheeks flush slightly as you looked down at the massive piece of juicy prey on the ground, the smell of it hit your nose instantly, and you nearly dropped down to take a bite before remembering your manners. "Of course you goof! Hope it makes up for the mouse you lost though." She hummed, a mischievous look grew on her face.

"Yeah, i suppose it does. Thanks Squirrelflight." You smiled, carefully going to take a bite. "Although im absolutely certain i would have caught it if you hadn't just lumbered in there you big oaf." You teased, causing that certain fire in her eyes to be set ablaze as she let out an indignant huff. "So you say? I wouldn't be too certain, you were stalking like you had thorns in your paws." She grinned, her tail fluffed up a little as she spoke. "Maybe you just don't understand the intensity of the hunt." You sighed dramatically, to which Squirrelflight giggled, causing the fur on your back to raise up a bit.

"Do you remember when we were both training? Dustpelt would say that kind of stuff to me all the time, tell me how i wasn't focused enough on where my paws were stepping." She said lightly, looking off into the distance for a moment with a smile still on her face. "The way i see it, it hasn't effected me at all." She said. "Yeah, because you've been so masterful when catching your prey." You snorted. "The way *I* see it, i think the only reason you've been catching prey is because you've been falling on them." Suddenly you heard a mrrow fill the air, and then you were knocked to the ground, You let out a gasp that suddenly turned into laughter as you two tussled for a bit, occasionally slinging more playful insults at each other until eventually, she had you pinned to the ground, your face was nearly smashed in the dirt as you let out a loud spitting noise. "Let go of me you log!" You growled playfully, squirming a bit underneath her grasp before eventually stopping, letting out a huff of defeat.

You could practically see the prideful look in her sharp green gaze as she let out a laugh, her grip on you loosening ever so slightly, and as she did so, you jumped, nearly knocking her into the nearby brambles. "Not so confident now huh?" You asked playfully, before turning around to see Squirrelflight still on the ground, she was a bit scratched up from the thorn bushes nearby and suddenly you felt guilty. your e/c eyes widened as you quickly rushed over to her. "Oh StarClan- Im so so sorry-" You quickly apologized, guilt practically seeping out of you, and for a moment there, Squirrelflight was almost emotionless, leading you to worry more, until eventually the fire in her eyes returned. "Yes, of course im okay you mouse brain, tis just a scratch!" She said, quickly getting up and trying to ignore the stinging pain in her back, you watched her for a moment longer which only seemed to irritate her. "Oh calm down Y/n, its just a scratch, and besides, there are more important things for us to be looking out for." She hummed indignantly, to which you tilted her head.

"Like what?" You asked curiously, raising an eyebrow at her, she gave you a smile before moving back over to the edge of the tall grass, motioning towards the sunset ahead, as it sunk deeper, it created such beautiful warm colors, the clouds were pink and purple whilst the rest of the sky was a warm pink and red, it all mixed up so perfectly, it was like StarClan had made this sunset just for them to see.

You could feel your cheeks flush up a bit again, and for a moment you were lost, watching the beautiful sky ahead as you kneaded your claws into the dirt below. 

Squirrelflight was your best friend, ever since you were kits you were inseparable, this was the only reason right? childhood best friends always did this kind of stuff together, finding each other's favorite prey, and watching the beautiful sunset together..

Or was it what you hoped for, something more?

You took a careful side glance at Squirrelflight who seemed as enamored as you were by the beautiful hues above, until eventually she realized you were watching her. "So, whatcha think? pretty ain't it?" She smiled, it wasn't the normal smile she gave everyone else, the one filled with mischief and excitement. no, it felt genuine, filled with care and warmth.

"It is." You smiled softly, returning your gaze to the sky for just a moment longer, you so desperately wanted to say something, but you were afraid of ruining the moment, ruining everything you had with your best friend. the feelings began to swell up inside you and it felt like you were about to burst, and apparently Squirrelflight began to notice too. "Y/n..?" She asked, looking at you with concern. You took in a deep breath, trying to settle yourself. "I..didn't realize you'd get so emotional about it, i mean, it certainly is pretty." She chuckled lightheartedly. And suddenly, you blurted out.

"Not as pretty as you."

And for a moment, the whole world seemed to stop, Squirrelflight looked at you with wide green eyes, her shock and surprise evident, suddenly you felt yourself cringing, she was going to hate you. "Y/n?" She spoke, snapping you out of it for a moment. "I-Im so sorry, i really shouldn't have said that." You said nervously, your fur standing on end as you felt yourself turn into a flustered mess. until suddenly, you felt a paw rest on yours, and you realized it was Squirrelflight.

"Look, i have no idea if that was just a regular old compliment or your goofy way of confessing your undying love to me, but nonetheless i appreciate it." She said softly, giving you a reassuring look before it shifted into one of sadness. "You don't need to be sorry, Y/n. You're my best friend and nothing could ever change that, regardless of the circumstances."

Your gaze remained directed towards your paws. "I..should've told you this before, but im with.." Suddenly, a rustling in the bushes caught your attention. "Squirrelflight?" A gruff voice called out, she quickly removed her paw from yours and turned her attention to the newcomer. "Brambleclaw?" She responded, from out of the bushes came the large tiger tom, he looked at the two of you wonderingly for a moment, before going over to Squirrelflight. "Firestar has sent three different search parties looking for you two! And you're here looking at the sunset together?" He spoke, displeasure evident in the way he spoke. Squirrelflight shuffled her paws awkwardly. "We were just hanging out." She murmured sadly, Brambleclaw watched her for a moment longer before looking over at you, the flustered mess you were. frowning, he turned back to Squirrelflight.

"Finish whatever you've got going on and get back to camp, please." Brambleclaw said, before giving you one last final look, but this time the displeasure was directed towards you, gulping, he disappeared back into the undergrowth, leaving the two alone again. 

"That...im with Brambleclaw." She sighed, glancing back over at you and giving you an awkward smile. You wanted so desperately to say something, but you bit your tongue. "If you're happy with him, then that's all that matters right?" You asked, the awkward smile was reciprocated as she looked back over to where Brambleclaw had disappeared. "He's a bit grumpy but he's a good cat, strong, brave, loyal." Squirrelflight sighed, you could clearly see the blush on her face as she spoke of him. swallowing up any bitterness that somehow made its way inside you, you spoke up again. "Like i said, your happiness is all that matters to me." You smiled softly, she returned your smile before heading off. "c'mon, lets get back before my father decides how he wants to punish us." She grinned, racing off into the undergrowth as you chased after her, trying to leave the night's events behind as you ran as fast as you could go.

As long as she was happy, that's all that would ever matter to you. 

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