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Trigger Warning: Violence

"Because I cannot stand how you are getting hurt and humiliated every day" Karishma answered and kneeled next to Eddie and pressed his neck to catch a pulse. Suddenly out of blue she is thinking about me? More strange...

"Killing them is not an option" I whispered the words and crouched next to Karishma to have a look at her face, it was dark and gloomy, as expected.

"Still alive" Karishma muttered under her breath, stood up, and lifted the shovel to finish Eddie. But I won't let him kill another person, at least not with me around her.

"Wait, why do you want to kill everyone, I clearly stated that is not an option" I swiftly spoke up and caught her arms in mid-air, and explained calmly. In return, she gave another one of her scary glares but my mind had decided upon enough is enough.

"Hasz, I can't stand this anymore these people harassed and bullied you, they literally forced you in things, they made your life hell, they made you a point of joke in whole campus, I can't... now let go of me" She tried to free herself from my grip. I thought for a minute that she is doing all of this for me, but this is too much. I have never met anyone like Karishma who is so much attached, that she is willing to kill anyone.

All these months she never spoke to me because of the misfortunes that we have encountered, yet in the end, here we are in the middle of the night. Today was the day that changed everything inside me. Today I realized that someone is the one who cares for me apart from my parents and she is willing to take extreme steps to prove herself. On other hand, I am not supporting her. That is a bit unfair. I mean no one would support this kind of agenda where we have to kill people.

I opened my mouth to speak and carefully chose my words "I guess you won't back off, fair enough" I let go of her hand and nodded my head to give a cue to her that she can go ahead and do what he pleases.

Again, is this what I want, I am being greedy or Karishma is messing with my mind. No this is it... I have decided from now on I will help her through, it may scare and scar me for my whole life.

"Wait, I have a better idea" I caught her hand in mid-air to which she replied with a growl but then lowered her hand.

"What do you propose we do?" she asked me with a curious smile by this time she must have guessed that I am on her side.

"No more bloodshed, it will leave more trace. So can you choke him and finish the business here" I silently suggested her and he hummed in response.

"See, this is what I was talking about, you are genius" She stepped forward, and handed me the shovel, and kissed my temples though that was completely unaccounted for and I immediately took a step back out of instinct.

Karishma studied the unconscious body for few seconds and put on her black gloves, she slightly kicked Eddie in the stomach so he will come back to his senses. This was unexpected. I heard a groan from Eddie's mouth as he slowly opened his eyes, rubbing his forehead. His eyes wide open as he is hit back to sense what had just happened. Karishma took a step back behind him so she was out of Eddie's eye-sight.

"Haseena, I am going to kill you" Eddie shouted and glared at me with his hands on the ground for support. I flinched and took a step back. Before he had time to react and stand up on his legs, Karishma grabbed his collar from behind.

"Do you still want to repeat that?" Karishma spoke up with a sadistic smile and tackled Eddie on the ground, now Eddie's face pressed on the hard ground, while Karishma's fingers tightly wrapped around Eddie's neck as he struggled to breathe. Eddie was pale and I could hear him panting. His hands desperately tried to find Karishma's arms, but it was of no use.

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