Where are you?

127 21 5

Sad to announce there is a... Trigger warning: Slight Violence, proceed at your own risk

"Take care of your girlfriend' The words refused to leave my mind as I stood in front of my house, fingers a few millimeters away when it dawned on me as to why I would ring the doorbell like a guest? Mentally cursing myself, I turned the doorknob and entered my house, everything is familiar. 'Haseena, this is your home, what is wrong with you?' A little voice scolded me. Absolutely correct this is my house.

"Mom, dad I am home" I proudly announced and walked towards the living room to find my parents on the couch next to each other.

"Hasz!" Before I had time to react dad cheered and stood up embracing me. His stiff muscles squeezing me, he is really attached to me especially after my breakdown.

"Dad, I am so glad to see you" I threw my arms around him. He backed up wearing a smile on his face, patted my head.

"My little Hasz has grown up so much that she is with a girlfriend, huh?" He gave me a sly smirk with my mom joining him with a giggle. We walked into the living room, mom and dad in front of me. Their eyes were staring at me, why does it feel odd?

"Her name is Karishma." I rubbed the back of my neck and shifted back and forth on my seat, something has changed inside me. He nodded and stared at me.
"Dad, you are moving in next month, right? After the project is done..." Dad is employed at a pharmaceutical firm, he is working on a project in the next city and finally, it is one month until he is done.

"Yup, I will be back soon" Dad let out a chuckle again he eyed me, something is fishy.

"Hasz, did you two do something?" I gulped as mom pointed towards my neck, shit on one hand I promised mom no funny business, I kept my promise too, but then ahh... my mind will just explode if I don't do anything.

"Mom, actually it is umm..." I felt dad's suspicious gaze on me, mom's first rule; Never ever break a promise. My hands are shaking, think, think, think...

"It is a cat scratch" I let out a sigh as she believed my lie but still her eyes refused to leave mine. Her hand rested on her chin.

"Did you disinfect the scratch?" Dad interrupted with a worried look, I threw my hands in the air "Yes dad it is nothing to worry about" Both of them smiled and again silence crept up.

"Hasz, I am thinking that you should invite Karishma for dinner. I would be happy to meet our daughter-in-law" I choked on air so badly that mom started to scold dad as I excused myself to get a glass of water. My dad is a super friendly guy, he loves to joke around but that was totally out of the blue.

Everything felt normal, a delicious aroma caught my nose as I entered the kitchen. My eyes settled on the table, but my face went pale as I saw the food served on the table was none other than what I had vowed to give up.


An unsettling knot rested inside my stomach as I stepped back. What the heck? Am I imagining it or-

"Hasz, honey what is wrong?" Mom stood by the entrance as my eyes refused to leave that one thing I want to avoid at all costs.

"Nothing" that unsettling knot in my stomach just got bigger as I thought of pizza and blood and everything that happened a few weeks ago. My stomach grumbled as I tasted it, put a hand on my mouth, don't... don't throw up!

"Hasz, are you okay?" Mom stood behind me, rubbing my back. That was not helping. I clutched my stomach, dropped onto my knees. Fortunately, I did not throw up like yesterday.

"Have some water" Mom quickly handed me a glass of water, I gulped it down in one go, by this time I heard dad's footsteps.

"Hasz, are you alright?" He quickly wrapped my arm around his shoulder. I felt a splitting headache, I took in deep breaths.

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