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Beyonce watched the television screen, intensely. Her world felt like it was crashing down as she heard the usual TMZ crew discussing the celebrity news of the day. In fact this may be the news of the year.
She read the bold lettered headline over and over again, thinking that maybe she was reading it wrong. She wasn't.
Jay-Z caught cheating on wife, Beyoncé, with mysterious woman
The proof was there. Paparazzi had caught him doing his dirty work. They showed the pictures and videos, only further breaking her heart.
What hurt her the most was the fact that he seemed so happy. Not that she doesn't want him happy but as of lately, it seems he isn't when he's around Beyoncé.
The way he's looking at this unidentified woman is a look that Beyoncé hasn't seen in awhile. She turned the television off, no longer wanting to hear and see the news.
She couldn't accept the truth, she didn't want to. After all this time, this is how he does her. She couldn't believe it. The same man she dedicated her life to. The same man that she shares three kids with.
Her kids. They totally slipped her mind. What is she gonna tell them? Sir and Rumi are too young to understand but Blue, what will she tell Blue? Her oldest child is way too smart to try and get things past her.
A tear slipped from her eyes but she quickly wiped it away. As hurt as she is, she didn't want to cry over it. He didn't deserve her tears. He didn't deserve sunshine while she's stuck in the rain.
Beyoncé was never one too get too emotional. If she did, she expressed it in the best way she knew how. Music. Music is her therapy.
That's what she was gonna do. She wasn't gonna make any social media posts about it or talk about it in an interview. She knows the world is expecting her to make a statement.
Beyoncé grabbed her phone, ignoring all the messages from everyone trying to check on her. Except one that is. A message from the person who means the world to her. Her best friend.
She didn't reply and instead called Y/N. They met back in Houston. The year was 1991. Beyoncé was seven while Y/N had just turned five. Fortunately, their parents had took them to the same park at the same time.
From that day forward, they did everything together. Literally connected at the hip. There was never a moment where they were separated. If you seen Beyoncé then you seen Y/N, and vice versa.
Y/N even took Beyoncé to prom. It wasn't much of a surprise since the entire school plus their parents thought they were dating anyway. Although that wasn't true.
They both had moments where they thought they liked each other on that level but never discussed it with each other. They didn't want to ruin their friendship.
During high school, they both gained popularity. Their careers taking off. It wasn't until after high school where they kinda started to separate. To this day, it's still the same. Still close but not as close as they were when they were kids.
"Bey, are you okay?" Y/N asked as she answered the phone, not even bothering to say hello.
"Actually that's a stupid question. Forget I asked that. Just talk to me, Bey. Tell me how you feeling." Y/N corrected.
Beyonce sighed. She felt so many emotions at once that it's kinda hard for her to explain exactly how she feels. She didn't know what to say.
"I feel like I need to get in the studio. We need to get in the studio. I'll explain how I feel there like I always do." Beyonce said, her voice cracking a little.
Y/N didn't even question the older woman. She knows how her best friend gets when it comes to dealing problems and emotions.
"Yours or mine?" Y/N asked.
"We can use your studio. I haven't been there in awhile." Beyoncé answered.
"You're always welcome to it, you know that. I'll see you in a little bit then." Y/N said, knowing that Beyoncé wants to get to work now.
"I love you." Bey whispered into the phone.
She wasn't too sure about love anymore but she knows for certain that she loves Y/N. The one person, besides her sister, that's always been there for her.
The one person that's dealt with her for so long. Y/N's been by her side through it all and never left. Never got fed up with her and she thanks her that, even if Y/N doesn't know.
Beyoncé knows she can be a handful but Y/N deals with it every time she is. She's grateful she has someone like that in her corner. Those type of people don't come around too often.
"I love you too, nugget." Y/N responded.
Beyoncé's first smile of the day finally happened. All because of Y/N and that nickname. She wasn't sure how she got it. All she knows is that Y/N called her that one day and it just stuck.
She never complained about it or hated it. In fact she loves the name when Y/N says it. That's the only person who says it anyway. She doesn't let anyone else call her that name.
Beyoncé hung up the phone, her head falling into her hands. She's never dealt with this before. So she doesn't know exactly how to deal with it.
She thought about where everything went wrong but she couldn't pinpoint it. She didn't know where things went wrong. She's only ever been the best wife she could be.
Was there something she wasn't doing? Is she not enough? She gave him everything and even everything wasn't enough. What more could she do?
She didn't have the answers but she knew she wanted them. She planned on getting them the next time she seen his face. Then again she didn't even know if she was ready to face him.
What would she say? What would she do? She truly didn't know. All she knew know was that she had to be strong for not only herself but for her children.
Clearly he didn't care about their feelings so she has to carry all that weight now. That's a lot of weight on her shoulders.
Beyonce didn't know it at the time but she was soon to fall into depression. Only praying for someone to catch her.