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Y/N scrolled through social media, each post being about the same thing

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Y/N scrolled through social media, each post being about the same thing. Is this real? She couldn't believe her eyes.

She quickly grabbed the television remote, going to the only channel that never seemed to be wrong. There it was, the hot topic of the day. Maybe even the year.

She watched TMZ show the disturbing proof of the situation. Disturbing in the sense that he doesn't seem to give a fuck. Insensitive in the fact that his kids will see this.

It's not like the most famous couple in the world hasn't gone through shit before. Because they have and Y/N was always there.

After always making sure that Beyoncé is okay, she'd think about the kids. If it was bad she would always offer to watch them for the time being. The twins are still young but Y/N and Blue are like two peas in a pod. She would never tell Beyoncé but Blue was soon to take her title as best friend.

And Blue would never mention to anyone that she likes Y/N more than her own father. She'd keep that as a secret.

Y/N was never a fan of Shawn or Jay-Z, whatever the hell people want to call him. Honestly, he wasn't a fan of her either. It's not like they fought every time they seen each other or something. Simply just don't like each other.

For Y/N, it was because she thought Beyoncé could do better. She never told her that because she knew Beyoncé was happy. That's all that ever mattered to Y/N.

For Shawn, he basically thought that Y/N was always in love with his wife. He argued with Bey about it many times before but it never went anywhere. Mainly because Beyoncé thought he was crazy.

One time it even got to a point where Shawn tried to demand Bey from being friends with Y/N. Although Y/N was there first. Beyoncé wasn't going for that. She always stood up for her best friend even when she's not around.

Y/N's phone started ringing off the hook. She was receiving all types of texts from people that couldn't get in contact with Bey. Multiple texts from Solange, Kelly, Angie, and Michelle.

A phone call overpowered any of the texts though. It was a call from none other than mama Tina.

She answered it while simultaneously responding to everyone. "Hey mama T."

Y/N knew why she was calling. The same reason everyone else was hitting her up for. When Beyoncé goes through something, the only person she'll ever talk to about it with is Y/N.

After she's over the situation then she'll talk to somebody else about it, but she'll never go in depth or detail like she does with Y/N.

Beyoncé is one for acting tough. She doesn't like breaking character. Y/N is the only person she feels truly comfortable being vulnerable around. The only person to ever see her with her guard down.

Other people have seen glimpses of Beyoncé in an emotional state but she swore to never let that happen again. That's why music is her therapy.

"Have you spoken to Beyoncé?" Tina questioned.

"I haven't. I texted but I didn't get a response yet." Y/N answered.

Tina sighed. She thought that if even Beyoncé wasn't talking to Y/N then her daughter is in a terrible state. Worse than she could imagine.

"Alright, I'm gonna go by her house then. Please let me know if you hear from her." Tina said.

"I got you." Y/N replied, before removing the phone from her ear.

Coincidentally as soon as she hung up the phone, Beyoncé was calling. She wasted no time in answering the call. Y/N knew Beyoncé needed her in this moment. It's like she can feel it in her chest when Beyoncé's hurt, even if they're not around each other.

The conversation was short but still very needed. Beyoncé wanted to jump right in the studio, something that Y/N knew would happen.

Although Y/N was currently in the thought process of working on her own album. It's been almost four and half years since her last album. So much has happened between that time.

But she didn't care right now. Her own career would have to wait if it meant that she would be there for Beyoncé. Even if the situation wasn't so heartbreaking, she'd always drop everything for her.

It's not like it was a one sided thing either. Beyoncé was always there for Y/N as well. There's been many unfortunate events to happen to her too.

A few of them she still suffers from daily but that's not according to Beyoncé's knowledge. The older girl only knows about the situations that hit the media. There's a lot of things that happened to Y/N behind closed doors that she doesn't talk about, ever. Not even to her own best friend and that's the difference between them.

Beyoncé wanted to use Y/N's studio. Her studio was just one of her guest houses that she completely remodeled into one of the best studios ever created.

Once she got off the phone with Beyoncé, she sent a quick text to Tina like she said she would. Y/N sat back on the couch, her mind in deep thought.

This isn't just gonna disappear. The media will be talking about this for months before it dies down.  This is like Chris Brown and Rihanna all over again, minus the physical abuse.

Next to come will be all the rumors and conspiracies. Majority will be a bunch of bullshit but some will make sense. Either way, people will believe what they want to believe.

The ones that know the truth are the only ones that matter in the situation anyway. A bunch of outside voices are irrelevant.

Y/N got up, going out to get her studio ready. She hasn't stepped foot in here in awhile. Like mentioned, it's been almost five years since her last album.

Kinda like Cardi B, she'll drop some singles and go on feature runs. But she'll never do anything other than that. Not like she needs to. In a way, she's like Rihanna. So wealthy to the point where she doesn't have to touch a microphone again.

Although it was never about money to her. Music is her passion. It's just that as of lately she hasn't felt passionate about it. She didn't know why she felt that way. But she was gonna fake the funk to help Beyoncé on her album. She'd always fake how she truly felt if it led her best friend to happiness.

Because in the end, she'd do anything for Beyoncé. Doesn't matter the consequence or how risky. Anything means anything, nothing off limits.



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