Half-Time | K.G (requested)

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context: you and your friend go to a game but apart that you know nothing about football you were draged there and cant even find the right way bathroom.

words: 745



"I'll go to the bathroom" i told my friend while getting up from our seats as it was already half-time, i said it with a kind of annoyed tone because i tried going earlier but she said that i couldnt now that i had to go during half-time.

"okay, do you want me to go with you?" she asked.

"right, i forgot that this is your second home. but no thanks, i can find my way to the bathroom alone" i told her sarcastically because she every time that she can she comes here, literally every security staff or whatever knows her. literally her second house.

"okay, you've got like ten minutes, be back on time or I'll get mark to go and find you" she say with a joking tone metioning one of the security staff as i just looked at her annoyed.


okay, so i've been waliking for about three minutes looking for the bathrooms, dont really know what could have gone wrong because our seats were like 20 steps away from the bathroom. 

i walked those like 20 steps entered a door just to find a never ending looking like hallway so i just started walking down it until i found something that indicated me that there was a bathroom close, but nothing.

there even wasnt any type of seurity staff that i could ask for help to find a way to the bathroom. and my phone? I left it inside one of my jacket's pocket.

it's been about five minutes know and as i thought this could only get worse i saw someone standing with thir back at me, so i just went and tapped on their shoulder.

" hi, do yo-" i said as she turned but i couldnt even finishing my sentence when she was already talking.

"i'm sorry but you cant be back here." she said just looking at me.

"back where? im just trying to find the bathroom, that was literally what i was going to ask you"

"good exuse, but it used by too many people now"

"im not lying, i dont know where i am, i dont even have my phone right now" i said while getting a little annnoyed already.

"you sure?"

"yeah, i didnt even want to come here in the first place"

"rude" she said while touching her chest being dramatic and i just keept looking at her. "okay, so you really want to go to the bathroom?"

"no shit sherlock. that literally the first thing that i wanted to ask"

"hey, there's no reason to be mad, help you get to one bathroom right now"


"that's nothing, now follow me..." she said leaving a silence for me to say my name


"pretty name for a pretty face" she said while we were walking, i just got flustered.

"thanks, whats yours?" i asked her as i didnt know her name.

" you dont know me?" she asked in disbelif as i just shoke my head " i thought you did. anyways my name is katrina"  i just nodded my head and we kept walking till we stopped at a door with a bathroom sing.

"thank you"

"no worries, but before i have to go can i get your number?" she said in a confident way that it even made me confident

"sure, but were would you write it down?" i said with a confuse tone

"unlike you, i do have my phone right now" she said while giving it to me so i could put my number.

"well, that's it" i said while giving her her phone back.

"okay, bye" she said as she started to walk away.

"bye, wait!" I said as i remembered ididnt know the way back to the seats

"what happened?" 

"i dont know the way back to my seats"

" well, to go back to any seats you just gotta go straight from we were coming, so that means that way" she said while pointing to the front, that for me was to the right.

"okay. again, thank you. bye"

"again, no worries. bye" she said waliking awya as i entered the bathroom.


"where have you been! half-time is almost ending, i literally said to mysefl that if you didnt show up i would call mark to go and look for you!" my friend bella said as she stood up from her seat and i was walking towards her or the seats, dont know.

"i know, i know. but what i can tell you right know is that i met some katrina."

"you met katrina! holy shit!" she said as she just stood there shocked.

"yeah, i tell you more later" i said as i sat on my seat just left her there till some voice announced the start of the second half and she sat on her seat



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