Redemption 🌼

296 5 17

⚠ Warning:
Unrealistic 😭

Word Count: 1111

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{ Third Person POV }

Kokushibo had everything ready. He had, not one, but two beautiful bouquets of flowers. A mix of spider lilies (unfortunately for Muzan not the blue kind) and some other flowers that he found growing in the woods outside the infinity castle. Kokushibo made sure to clean up nicely. He had brushed out his hair and had made sure to put on his best kimono with a new pair of hakama pants.

Kokushibo took a deep breath to calm his nerves. It would be better to just do it and get it over with. After all the worst they can say is no. He was the most powerful demon (other than the demon king). Kokushibo had nothing to fear, at least that's what he told myself.

He knew exactly where Akaza and Douma were. They were searching for him. This whole time he has been purposefully avoiding them.

No more hiding. He would formally confess.

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Douma and Akaza rounded the corner, and there he was, standing all alone in the middle of the infinity castle. Kokushibo looked more handsome than ever. He was wearing a different kimono than his usual. And he was holding a rather large bouquet of flowers, or perhaps it was just two normal-sized bouquets.

Immediately Douma and Akaza spotted him. Douma wanted to run up and hug him but Akaza stopped him. He wanted to slowly approach Kokushibo, Akaza didn't want to scare him away again. The anticipation was killing all three of the demons.

The air shimmered with tension. Akaza and Douma stood in front of Kokushibo. The silence was deafening. Finally, Kokushibo spoke to the two other demons.

"I would like to apologize for running off earlier... I... Was unsure of what to do... So I ran."

Douma just smiled. "It's okay Kokushibo! Akaza-dono and I understand! Also, may I just say that you look so handsome! Is that a new kimono? It looks great on you Kokushibo-dono!"
Akaza stood off to the side just listening to Douma rambling on.

"Those are very pretty flowers. Are they for me? Or perhaps for Akaza? Ooo! Or maybe there are two bouquets, one for Akaza-dono and the other for me! Aww Akaza-dono wouldn't that be so swe-"

Akaza interrupted Douma before he could finish. "Douma, please let Kokushibo talk. I think he had something else to say."

"Oh right sorry!" Douma looked sheepish.

Finally, Kokushibo resumed his little speech. "To answer one of Douma's questions.. Yes, there are two bouquets of flowers. One for you Akaza.." He handed Akaza one of the bunches of flowers. Akaza gingerly took the flowers from Kokushibo's hands, blushing a bit.

"And of course, these other flowers are for you, Douma..."

Douma feigned surprise with a fake gasp. He clasped his hands to his cheeks before he took the flowers from Kokushibo. "Thank you!!" He said with a giant smile. Akaza rolled his eyes.

Kokushibo took a deep breath, he closed all six of his eyes before he breathed out and opened them. He spoke again, "I.. wanted to give you these flowers to signify... love..." He paused for a bit longer than usual. For once Douma and Akaza were speechless.

"I love... the both of you..."

"Aww, we love you too Kokushibo-dono!~" Douma spoke excitedly, not at all matching the mood.

"Shut up let him finish." Akaza shushed Douma.

Kokushibo blinked before he continued, "Will you" He asked with a very unsure tone. He had no idea how propose such a thing nor how the relationship would work.

It was almost complete silence in the infinity castle. The building normally moved and shifted with inconsistency but it seemed as if even the castle had paused its movements. (Nakime was listening 😊)

Douma was the first to break the silence. "Oh my god Kokushibo-dono! I would love to be your boyfriend!" Douma grabbed Kokushibo's hand and kissed the top of it.

Douma and Kokushibo looked over at Akaza. His face was so red. He was flustered beyond belief. "I- ... Yes..."

Akaza reached out his hand and Kokushibo gently took it. Douma also grabbed Kokushibo's hand and smiled widely.

"I'm so glad you took me up on my offer Kokushibo! I think we're all going to be very happy from now on!~"

Akaza seemed speechless. His whole face was red and he seemed to be somewhere else. So Kokushibo helped him. He picked Akaza up bridal style and together he and Douma walked to Kokushibo's room.

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Kokushibo's room was bigger than any of the other uppermoons' rooms. Because he was upper moon 1 bedroom was the biggest. You'd expect such a large and ornate room to have many lavish and fancy decor but it was quite the opposite. His room was sparcely decorated with only a bed, a closet, a sofa, and a small desk in the corner of his room. That was just how Kokushibo liked it, plain and simple. Despite the sparce amount of decor the room had a nice mood to it. It was clean and dark and it perfectly matched Kokushibo.

Douma slid open the Shoji door and let Kokushibo in first. Kokushibo walked across the room and gently laid Akaza down on the bed where he promptly fell asleep. Demons don't normally sleep but it possible and it can be useful to pass time.

Kokushibo then turned to Douma who was still standing in the doorway of the room.

"Wow Kokushibo-dono~ What a nice place you have. I must say I'm jealous, Master Muzan didn't give me such a large room~"

There was a pause before Kokushibo spoke again. "You may.. Come in Douma..."

"Ah! Right, sorry!~"

Douma came in and plopped down on Kokushibo's large and spacious bed.

"Ahhh... I could get used to this!~" Douma sighed as he strecthed out on his bed, careful to not accidentally hit Akaza's unconscious body.

Kokushibo sat beside Douma and for a few moments it was completely silent except for the sound of Akaza softly snoring.

Kokushibo finally broke the silence, "I love you, Douma."

"I love you too Kokushibo."

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I'm so sorry this took me way to long to write. I've been so busy with both school work and school drama. The writers block was also completely unhelpful. Unfortunately I did get sick for a while too, but I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! I know I shouldn't make excuses and I'll try to be more consistent with updates from now on. Thanks for reading!

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