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The room was silent for a couple hours as Grey started to figure out the occasions that happened since he met Valentina. One thing caught him by surprise.

That was how Rhett looks like a carbon copy of him meanwhile he had nothing with Remi . Not even sex .

" Is there a possible way that a child might look exactly like a person but the child isn't his " Grey said .

" It could be . But mostly the child must be from the same blood " Conner answered.

He had a look of confusion on his face as he didn't expect and didn't understand why that question was been asked

" If l didn't sleep with Remi and also had no contact with her over the years then that means Rhett isn't my kid but why does he look like me " Grey mind was flooding with questions.

Now his memory is back , he searched for answers to what happened.

Grey got up from the bed not even giving a little bit concern about whether he woke up from consciousness or not .

Enzo supported him to stand straight.

" Where is August" Grey removed the robe from his body putting on a shirt.

Though he hadn't eaten for almost two days . This didn't seize his glowing abs for a minute. His masculine chest going down to his 8 packs he had acquire during the years .

" Here dad " a tiny voice interpret the conversation.

August walked in with a glass of tea , he moved closer and slowly to Grey .

" Didn't you go to school today " Grey asked as he took the warm coffee from August.

" Yes l did dad but we closed early after l told the teacher that l needed to be home to see you wake up " August explained .

" You don't need to worry about me . Your studies first " Grey took a sip of the coffee .

" Hmm " August frowned .

Grey looked down to his son . Enzo raised his brown trying to say something but only to Grey's hearing. Grey understood him correctly and nodded.

" Thanks Gust " Grey rubbed on August hair .

" I will go now to complete my homework. Bye uncle Enzo , uncle Connor and dad " August waved them as he run from the room .

" What do you have in mind Don " Enzo spoke out .

Grey kept his focus locked on his palm that had strands of August hair .

" DNA test " Grey said .

Conner eyes widen in great shock .

" DNA " Enzo repeated.

" Run some test on this strands " Grey pulled out a strands from his head .

Conner didn't know what to do as he just took the strands .

" Get me information about Remi birth to August or should l say lie about August birth " Grey glared at the thought of the DNA coming out .

Enzo bowed down and just left the room .

  (    Katherine Office )

The sound of a man and a woman could be heard . From things the man looked angry at the woman the secretary to the CEO prevented him from entering.

" Sir you can't go in the CEO is in a meeting right now " the secretary tried stopping him .

" Would you get out before you get knocked out " the man Ashton yelled .

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