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There was only one lesson remaining for lectures to be over . But Valentina couldn't wait , she patiently waited for lectures to be over. This time Valentina and Stormi happen to be in the same lecture room .

Sienna and Ariel where in another lecture room learning another subject. Stormi couldn't also focus cause she too wanted to leave immediately.

" 20 more minutes" Valentina stole gazed at her watch every second she got .

" Miss Summer so what do we mean by imagination" the lecturer asked .

" It it ahem " Valentina stummered

" It particularly, construction of false images; fantasizing " Stormi answered

" Well done Stormi . You may take your sit Summer " the teacher rolled her brow at Valentina

Valentina became at uneasy at the teacher's action but that would be her least concern . An hour has passed already and by now Rhett has already closed from school .

" We will meet tomorrow morning " the teacher dismissed the class leaving.

Just when Valentina thought she could finally go to Rhett school and pick him up the teacher called her to discuss something with her .

" Can you excuse us Stormi " the teacher looked at Stormi standing beside Valentina.

" Sure ma " Stormi had no choice but to stand at the corridor and wait for Valentina who was in the class with the teacher.

" Summer l have noticed that you where in a hurry to go home which led to you not paying much attention. Well you not answering my question showed me " the teacher waited for Valentina answer.

" Am sorry ma but l have somewhere important to be right now . Can we talk tomorrow please" Valentina tried not to be disrespectful infront if the teacher.

Even before the teacher could answer Valentina rush out of the classroom to her car . Stormi chased after her not having a clue to why she was running.

Outside the school Valentina meet with Ariel and Sienna . Soon Stormi joined them panting out heavily from the run .

" Ariel could you call Min Joon to drive to Rhett school and take him incase we don't get there early" Valentina took out her car keys .

" I called him already guessed such a thing will happen " Ariel said .

" Who is Min Joon " Stormi asked .

" Just a friend. Hop in l will drop you " Valentina spark the car .

" Okay thanks "

The four girl got into the car driving away from the school.

    Rooy School

The twins sat down with the boys siting infront of them . They where super annoyed it was already closing but still their parents hadn't come for them .

" Are you crying Clara " August saw that Clara eyes became watery

" Guys l got a plan " Ciara broke the silence .

" What that Ciara " Rhett was already bored of waiting.

" Why don't you guys swap . August stays with your mom and you Rhett stay with his dad . And l think this time is a perfect time for this . Maybe with yours stay with them you can find something or join them together" Ciara said .

Rhett and August looked at each other and nodded. They liked the idea , both went to the restroom exchanging their clothes not to get recongised

" So l think we are set . Is there anything l have to know about your dad " Rhett asked taking the watch August gave to him .

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