Ever seen a beauty before. With the ass and breast .
Then you must be referring to Valentina Green. She isn't the biological nor the adopted daughter of the Green's.
She watched her own mother take her life. Right after her dad brought a new wife wi...
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} The day soon came to an end . The ringing of Valentina alarm rang across the entire house. She moved her hands to dismiss the alarm but couldn't. Yesterday she brought Sienna to live with them . Luckily Ariel was still awake she helped Sienna pack her stuff in the guest room.
This gave Valentina some time to read a couple of Ariel textbooks. Within 3 hours of reading Valentina understood everything she needed to know those basic for the meantime.
Rhett jumped on his sleeping mother jumping up and down on the bed .
" Momma get up we must go to school" Rhett tried to pull the cover from Valentina.
Valentina pulled back the cover returning to her sleep.
" Rhett let us sleep small " Ariel said .
" No, Aunty this isn't your room what are you doing in momma's room " Rhett stopped jumping
" Hmm we have a guest . She is actually my new secretary she will be living with us " Valentina replied.
" Hmm cool let me go and take a look at her " Rhett jumped off the bed
Valentina eyes shot up so as Ariel . They both chase after Rhett who run crazily to his Aunty room .
Before they could stop him he opened the door . Rhett made his way in leaving Valentina and Ariel to guess what to say now to Sienna.
" Good morning little fella " Sienna greeted Rhett .
She had woken up way before the rest but decided it was best to stay in till the rest get up to prevent them from waking up .
" Hi Aunty " Rhett moved closer to Sienna .
Sienna gently squeezed his little cheeks already taking a liking to them . She never expected to meet Rhett in the house though she knew Valentina had a kid .
" Sorry Sienna " Valentina apologized.
" It nothing Valentina. He really looks like you it as if am talking to a twin of you . Good morning, how was your night " Sienna brushed off the worry .
" Aunty Sienna let have a game . The person who is able to multiply the numbers will do the laundry " Rhett grinned.
" Sure why not . Let even add sweeping the entire room " Sienna added
Ariel was abit confused at what was going on . Valentina didn't know whether to cry or laugh. She sometimes felt that she was the child whiles Rhett was her dad .
" Aunty Ariel please set the timer to a minute. Mom please get me five strong multiplication questions " Rhett politely asked
The two woman just did that . With the timer set Valentina started mentioning 6 digit multiplied by 7 digits . From first look Sienna answered all correctly. But it took a turn as Rhett started to answer more faster and correctly than Sienna.