Bosses Orders My Ass

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"Wow, what are the chances?" John commented at the sight of his child's birth.

"I agree," Mizura replied, just as surprised.

"Why don't we name her Roxie? You know, for her rockstar like personality."

"Oh John, that is a great name."

This was the beginning of Roxie, the couples ninth child. Only two more to go for these two. It has been a long road as well. Every day, these two struggled with something. Whether it would be stress, financial issues, or childcare options, they went through hell. However, they still manage to stay out of the flames and be the ones who their children can count on the most. However, was that subject to change?

John has recently been very busy. He just got appointed as the boss of the manufacturing company, known as Commemorating Operative Machinery Parts Co, also known as COMP. COMP has taken a stressful and busy toll on John. With his hours increased from 70 to 90 a week, John now has to work his fucking ass off. And for a little extra pay as well. Honestly, John thinks of his position as a nightmare. He has to take care of every little thing within the company's surface. This also leaves him with less time with the family.

John got up at 7 this morning and headed off to work. He dressed in his usual suit, making sure to look professional. Mizura on the other hand, was getting ready to take her kids to school.

Once John got to work, he began to think that today would be a normal day. He went to his office and put his briefcase down. He sat down in his chair and began to work on a design for a new laptop.

A few minutes later, Johns main assistant, Morgan, came into the office.


"Yes Morgan?"

Morgan was wearing a polyester, button up shirt. She wore sleek, black pants and flat shoes. This was normal work apparel. After a minute of awkward silence, they continued the conversation.

"The manufacturing boss is here, as well as his assistant."

"Oh, this is so not going to be fun."

"You've met the guy John?"

"No, but I've heard that he's crude and selfish."

"Thats what I've heard as well. His ego is bigger than his brain."

"Well, lets go in shall we."

They walked across the floor until they reached the elevator. They went to the manufacturing floor where the boss should be. John was beginning to feel sick. He had heard such negative things about this guy. It also didn't help that John just became the boss, and therefore could be considered a minority. He just didn't want to be thrashed at.

When they walked in, John immediately noticed a huge, buff guy sitting next to a small, sickly guy. John knew exactly who this was.

"Hello, Cameron!"

"Well, if it isn't John. Nice to see you can stand up from a chair."

Wow. Five seconds into the conversation and he was already insulted. Oh well. He was expecting that to say the least. However, to John, he just wanted this conversation to be about business, and nothing more.

"Why did you call in this meeting anyways?"


"The reason why we called you in was," that was Alan. Alan was small and sickly. He could be easily pushed around and was never taken seriously. It was a shame too. He had very good ideas, but made poor execution.

"Spit it out dumbass."

"We had a new prototype for a washing machine."

"Thats not it you worthless bitch!"

Cameron slapped Alan dead cold across the face. Immediately, John stepped back. Alan fell straight to the ground, holding the cheek of his face. It was a shade of crimson, and it looked as if it were about to bleed. Poor Alan.

John had heard about this before. Alan was constantly abused by Cameron. However, it was never reported. John was thinking of telling, until Cameron said, "You say something, and I will make sure you die."

"Wasn't thinking of telling," John replied back hastily.

"Anyways, the reason I have called you in is about your management skills."

"What does that mean Cameron?"

"Your execution of product is extremely lackluster."

"So, theres always a downfall at points."

"Your not selling enough dumbass! You need to fix this."

"And why are you so worried?"

"COMP has never experienced something like this. Its all your fault."

"Okay then smart ass, how do I fix it?"

Cameron's face turned more red than a firetruck. He slammed his fist down, which broke the table. John once again stepped far back.

"I don't care how the fuck you do it, just do it!"

"Okay, whatever!"

John and Morgan walked in the elevator and back to John office.

"Our sales aren't even down that much!"

"I know Morgan."

"They weren't kidding when they said that guy was mean."

"Yeah, he's so nit picky."

"I hope to never see him again."

"Agreed Morgan."

A.N. Lol I did put Cameron and Alan in this story. They will most likely be recurring characters. Please note that this is not how I feel about these two. Most of the time.

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