Chapter 4 | Kaeya

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(Chapter's Goal: reach 6000 characters)

(W: The reader's vision is attached to a necklace, like Lisa's)

The pond was quite gorgeous to begin with, a shame if it was used to wash dirty dishes, you dropped the basket beside you and knelt down, opening the cover and grabbing a plate one by one, putting the cleaned ones beside you, as you were putting the plates back into the you felt a hot presence behind you, really hot infact, you grabbed your basket and stood up, turning around to see a Pyro mage with two hilichurls in each side, you the basket in fear and backed away to the pond, your feet sloshing the water, the pyro mage stared at you before twirling its staff, the hilichurls charging at you, you turned into the direction of the campsite to hopefully see Aether, but he was inside his tent, you wanted to run back to the but then it damage the site, you began backing away faster to the point the water level has reached your knees, the hilichurls hesitated entering the water, staring at the line between the thin line of sand and the water, you wanted to use your vision but you had no knowledge how, or even what your weapon was

you felt another presence behind you but it was more humane, you saw the pyro mage do another twirl with his staff and aim it at you, a red fire arrow began shooting with high speed, you blocked your body with your arms and closed your eyes, waiting for the sharp burning pain.

You heard a swish of shimmering noise appear accompanied with the sound of thudding, you could hear the hilichurls fall to the ground, you opened your eyes to reveal the mage fighting against the Calvary Captain, the hilichurls passed out on the floor, Kaeya did his signature E and the mage passed out, he jumped back a few times before letting his sword disappear in thin air, you at him in awe and amazement, he looked like the Kaeya from the manga, but only he has darker tone and his hair was a lot more messier

"Hahah.. i love a good fight." he finally said before turning to you, his smile turning into a smirk "oh? were you really gonna think i was gonna stand back and let a gorgeous girl like you die with a simple Pyro mage?" he teased, walking closer to you and holding out his hand "Come on, dont want the Hydro Archon taking you for herself." he teased again, you grabbed his hand, it felt a bit cold but still warm.

He eyed your vision "Ohoh! a vision user, you could have just used it," he said, you released your hold from his hand and grabbed the basket, checking if any plates were broken "or maybe because you wanted this prince charming to save you?" he pointed at himself, you blushed slightly before bowing at him, thanking him.

"Ah ah, not yet, was just wondering if you've seen the Honorary Knight come back?" he asked, glancing at the campsite "I've been sent to check on him again he added, you thought about responding for a while "He's there, im just not sure if he went out again" you replied, seeing Paimon try and pack up the tents "Ah, seems like that flying creature is there" he observed, walking to the campsite, you paused before walking alongside with him, in complete silence.

Paimon finally managed to get one tent down before turning to the two of you, she waved her tiny arm before floating closer "Hello Paimon, any chance Mr. Honorary Knight is back?"

Kaeya asked, raising his hand but not giving it the shake, Paimon pointed to the end-side of the cliff, a black shadow in the distance "He's there, just maybe collecting flowers or doing his weekly wish to the gods" she said, You and

Kaeya helped pack up the tents, Kaeya stretched his back a little before turning to you "Come, let's both see him he held his hand out to you once more, you gladly took it, walking hand-in-hand, nearing Aether

"Yo-hoo" Kaeya said in a singsong as Aether was finally visible, Aether was in a rock with two swords leaning beside him, a Mistsplitter and a Skyward Blade

"Good to see you Honorary Knight" he bowed but still not letting go of your hand "Kaeya, what brings you here?" Aether asked, even the holding hands between you two Jean has asked once again to come back to the Knights of Favonious to help with an important problem" he said, in a calm and polite voice that made it seem like it was practiced, "What will get in return?" Aether asked, his stare turning sharp at Kaeya as he beckoned for you to come to him, you released your hold on Kaeya's hand and tried to get to Aether but Kaeya's grip got tighter and pulled you back

"mh, Jean didnt say what rewards you will get but i suppose it will be expensive and great considering the fact it is important Karea said. still in a bowing position, he realized his tight grip on your hand and caressed it with his thumb but not letting go

You looked at Aether who seemed to be getting annoyed by every second passing, Aether turned to look at the sword and back at you "Y/ N, come, help me bring back the swords" he asked, making sure it was loud and clear, Kaeya finally removed his hand and you walked towards the swords beside Aether, you picked up the Mistsplitter looked the most lightest but you thought wrong, it was heavy, but not too much, you stood there behind Aether as he sat there staring at Kaeya, his mind gears turning by the second.

"Fine then, tell her i'll be there soon as possible Aether finally said, standing up and picking the Skyward Blade with ease, Kaeya nodded and looked at you one last time before turning around and leaving.

Aether turned to you with a half darkened face "Since when did you two meet? i highly remember this is your first time exploring Mondstadt after all" he asked calmly, his dark tone dripped with sweetness.

"Just a few minutes ago actually, while i was washing the dishes," you replied, failing to notice his dark expression "There was a Pyro mage and a few Hilichurls, he saved me." you added.

"Why didn't you call for me? i was nearer he abruptly asked, that's when you knew something was up 1- I was too scared to say anything i suppose, and i thought if i ran for the see campsite it would be destroyed you said quickly, remembering your emotions and feelings.

He looked at you once more before turning into a sweet and lovey-dovey expression No worries, as long as you're safe! now come on and let's get unpacking!" he grabbed your free hand and dragged you, the Mistsplitter dragging in the grass which you swore cutted some

In the distance, a pair of red eyes watched the trio unpack their belongings and venture the day

"Hmph, Knights of Favonious, always so insufficient."


(A.N: Most ugliest and goofiest chapter but i drew the new ENA skin and i love it)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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