Unconscious meeting

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Kook was sleeping peacefully thinking about he will be free from tomorrow not knowing that kang was searching him like a mad dog..

At kang mansion

After hangover kang woke up feeling very heavy and he heard a knock on the door which was knocked by someone continuosly he was irritated by the sound and he angrily walk up to the door to lash at the person..


What the hell is there any Strom or something??? I will kill u idi..
He stopped in the middle by seeing the person

Coz there his wife stood with teary face and fighting with her words how to tell him Neil kook is no where to be found he is not in his room and I've searched the whole mansion but he is not where
The Hangover of Neil went away like air and he was shocked to say something but he regained his senses and call the security to know about kook
Did u saw kook going out
The guard hung his head down don't know what to say

Sir we all are here but don't know how he escaped sir

U fools he just through sand in our eyes and flew away like nothing
Search him idiot if u don't find him u all will be dead morons
Don't know how to guard a single person
What are u waiting for idiots get lost from my sight
Don't come until u find him

Calm down Neil ... Plz in this ur not gonna find him

How can I seon my head will bow down in shame coz of his stupidity what r even doing swon can't u keep an on ur brother


Neil don't blame me for this I never thought kook will do like this and never he will betray his sister sorry Neil coz of us u have face this
(In mind : hope kook will be safe coz of ur manipulation I'm going to through him to hell)

Otherside :

Kook was some what happy that he was going to escape and no-one can find him and he is getting ready to go London and a phone call disturbed his train of thoughts which bring him back to reality
His frnd called him saying that Daniel men are every where searching for him it's difficult for him to go airport
Kook was shocked and he just curse his fate he don't know what to do now he just look out of window one of kang men were ordering something on phone they are searching every home now kook is doomed
What he gonna do now

Kook don't give up till u die don't wanna love like a slave to that bast@rd so he just took his bag and mask and just went out carefully he has to reach airport coz he knows he can't do anything once he step out of country he don't want his self respect and his sister's step let down
And he somehow reach airport but there too his men were checking everyone and even if they wore mask or something they just remove them harshly and checking them
Kook can't stand there if he goes there he will be in their hands so he escaped from there without noticing anyone
But where will be go till when he will be running from him
So he take a drastic decision with a clumsy mind
Kook decided himself that I'll die but I won't be submissive for that monster
I'm sorry appa plz forgive ur kookie
Sorry noona ur breve step doesn't save me from that monster and I don't want to be in ur way plz be happy noona
With that he walks to park near to him
And it was night so he can't be seen through darkness
Kook sat under the big tree where noone can notice him
With that he took a small knife and harshly cut his wrist blood was oozing out from his hands down he felt pain no his mental stability is not helping him he just made deeper cuts in the same place
A pathetic smile appear on his lips his dreams are shattering in front of his eyes he cried silently soon darkness engulfed him...

At the same time a luxurious car stopped abruptly there and the man sitting on back growl in anger ...
What the hel???

Sorry master i don't know what happens suddenly let me check once
With that he checked something which was out of his reach
So he told his master that he will call mechanic and call another driver to come here ...

The man in the car was feeling suffocated sitting there and he noticed the park near him he unwantedly goes there to refresh his mind and get some fresh air
He was walking aimlessly and he see someone lieing lifelessly
He first think that must be some drunkard and take some steps forward but his mind doesn't support his legs
He stops there and with the help of flashlight he see the person drench in his own blood he didn't waste a second to lift that person and ran towards his car till then his another driver came to the destination to pick his master but he was shocked to see his master was lifting a boy who is almost dead
What the hell ur looking at damn drive the car to hospital right now

Who r u why u took this decision don't know what problem u have but I will try to help u
I never feel the things which I'm feeling now I want to protect u little human ...
The car directly stop at hosptal and the person who is the boy rushed towards the reception and shout the name of the doctor who came there running

What happend Mr Kim ??? Who is this boy

No more questions save him in any way I don't care what u will do but I want him safe and sound
If something happens to him I'll burn ur hospital remember that
The doctor gulped his saliva and rushed to emergency room

Why are u so similar to me like a little rabbit who r u my unconscious beauty

I don't know why I feel like this but don't know why I'm feeling heavy seeing u like this

Don't know what have write in my fate

I miss someone really ...

Where are u bun plz come to me

Say that everything will be fine tiger ... Come to ur tiger bun I've no one in this world
Did u forget me bun where r u did miss ur hyungie too ???

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