Part 4

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Mingyu pov:

Mingyu look at his hand after slapped aerim cheek

"What have i done, kim mingyu" mingyu talk to himself

I packing my clothes into my luggage bag. I still can remember i saw aerim tears falls. I also still can remember i heard someone crying at living room. I continue packing my clothes and leave the house

When i was on the way to go to hyewon house i saw someone sitting on the sand. I stop my car because i want to comfirm it was aerim or not.

"What's wrong with you, kim mingyu" i talk to myself and continue drive

Aerim pov:

"Mom, can i go to your grave tonight? I really miss you. I don't like when dad be like this. Because of that dad my life doesn't go in the right way" my tears falls again

"Today i really cried so many times" i start crying loudly

"Why my life like this? Or am i deserve it?"

I stand up and wipe the sand at my pants and cardigan. I wave my hand to call the taxi and go to my mom grave

After i arrived i go to my mom graveyard. I cry in silent when i saw my mom name

"M-mom...i-i miss you. Can you please comeback to me"

I talked infront my mom graveyard. I cried many times.

After that i went back to my house. I go to my room and change my clothes. I already know mingyu not here

I open my phone and look at hyewon twitter account to check if any new post about mingyu again. The only way i know to check what happens to mingyu right now. I'm not mingyu's lover so, i'm worried if anything bad about mingyu and mingyu didn't tell me

Am i bad person and that's why mingyu hate me so much. If i'm a bad person, why i treat mingyu in good way? If i'm a bad person why mingyu didn't tell her parents? If i'm a bad person why mingyu didn't report to police? If i'm a bad person why mingyu didn't divorce with me?

The word always come to my mind everyday. Why mingyu didn't treat me in good way like i treat him? Can you please treat me in good way just once?

That word also come into my mind. Suddenly hyewon make new post about mingyu. That posted make me feel jealous.

"Mingyu never did this to me. You're lucky hyewon" i said to myself

I look at that posted again

I look at that posted again

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"They have dinner together...last time i dinner with mingyu about 2 years ago. But if mingyu want to compare dinner with hyewon and dinner with me i think hyewon is much better" i said to myself

I look at my photo about 2 years ago. The picture when we were talking about the married. It's make me feel bad about mingyu. At that time mingyu never smile at me


"So are you agree with that suggestions" mr. Kim asked me

"I always agree with your suggestions. I really excited about the wedding" i look at mingyu he doesn't say anything. He just eaten his meal with mad expression

"Mingyu you should be excited too like aerim" said mrs. Kim

"Yeayy i will marry Yoon Aerim" said mingyu with his lazy tone

I know mingyu don't want me at that time. I am always confident i will make mingyu in love with me in about two or three days after getting married


I walking with mingyu at the park. Its was night at that time but the park still bright because of the light

The silent is to loud.

"Mingyu...are you excited to marry me?" i asked him to avoid the silence

"Yes, i was excited to marry you. After that my company are not bankrupt anymore" mingyu fake smiling as he hold my hands

I make fake laughed. That's word make me uncomfortable at all

"Mingyu if you doesn't like the suggestion just tell your parents and the wedding may be cancel" i said

Mingyu look at my face.

"I don't want to divorce with you after we're married. If i divorced you, it will make my family disappointed with me. Now you're don't get it what i said but later you're know what's that means" said mingyu confidently. Mingyu walk away and leave aerim behind

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