Part 8: move on

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It's been a month aerim already divorced with mingyu and she already bought her own house

Aerim still can't move on about mingyu even she didn't everything. Aerim also forced herself to find part-time job to move on about mingyu

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Guys i already have my part-time job!!alsjdhdjdek

Finally after a year. What's part-time do you get?

Ouh... it's kindergarten teacher.

Wait?!!What? You're just like your brother just go enter economics class end up became idol🤣🤣

At least i know the only way to forget mingyu



Aerim pov
First day of part-time job

One of the staff bring me to go to that one classroom. And leave me with the kids

"Hi, my name is yoon aerim. Today i will be your teacher" i become more awkward after look at the children's

"Why they look at me like i am ghost"
I said to myself

"Hey, what's your name?" i ask one of the kids in the class

"K-kim hyejin"

I smile at her "everyone can introduce yourself right?"

"YESS!!" all of the kids answer

"Then start with you" i pointed at one kids. He started telling his name and next person tell their name until the last person

                        Skip time

"Wahh this job is not easy like i was expected" i said tiredly

"I been here already 5 years so i know how kids was like" said haeun. One of the kindergarten staff

"Btw are you already married?" ask haeun again

I straight look at her face "no! I-i'm not married yet" i said while stuttering

"Then how you want to have a kids if you're don't know how take care of them?"

"I know how to take care of them but it's my first time so i didn't expected that. I want to go back to home" i wave at her

Mingyu pov

"Aishh why today so many works to do" i said to myself

I got call from hyewon. I look at the phone and answer it

"Why you call me?" i ask

"You're parents call me they wanted to go your house. I-i don't know what to  do. Better you go home now" said hyewon

"I be right back" i rushing went to my house. After i arrived i saw my parents and hyewon already at my living room

"Dad, why you didn't tell me you want to meet me"

"Who is this?" mr. Kim ask mingyu while look at hyewon

"Aahh this is hyewon. My...friend?" i said stuttering

My mom suddenly stand up and slapped me

"Call aerim to come here"

"But w-why..."


I trying to call her but the number doesn't exist anymore. I trying to find her social media accounts but i didn't found anything

"Mom, i will find her right now" hyewon and i go in the car to find aerim

It's really hard to find aerim in this country

"What if aerim go to other countries or she go holiday. Do you still want to searching for her?" said hyewon

I nod "hyewon, can you call any of my friends" i ask. Hyewon called wonwoo, (mingyu's friend)

"Wonwoo can you help me. If you found aerim can you tell me where she at?"

"I already saw her at kindergarten. I went to kindergarten to take woojin's daughter and then i saw aerim works there" said wonwoo

"What's the name of kindergarten?"

"Kindergarten Happy Clouds"

I just ended the call. And search about the kindergarten. I straight go to kindergarten

After i arrived i only see one girl who wants to lock the door. I go to her

"Hi, can i ask you something. Here there's someone name yoon aerim" i ask

"Ouh yes, she's new here."that girl answer

"Where is she right now?"

"She went home. But i can give you her number phone"

The girl write aerim number on my phone.

"Thankyou" i bowed to her

I back to my car.

"Hyewon, can you call this number using your phone?" I ask


"I know aerim didn't answer if i call using my phone"

"Then what should i say to her?"

"Ask her to meet you"

"Why me?"

"Hyewon, please meet her. And ask her to meet my family"

Hyewon call aerim using her phone.

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