Part 7

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"If you want to say something just say it. Don't look at me like that" aerim said to mingyu that sat at the sofa infront of me

"So i understand why you're parents always said you're dumb, you're stupid, you're problematic"

"Since when they said?"


"You're also problematic, dumb and stupid" i said and look away

"What did you say?" mingyu stand up from the sofa

"Do you know why i said like that? It's because you already know that you're already married and have wife but you still cheating on me. You still choose hyewon than me. Do you think i'm robot that doesn't have feeling?!!" aerim said loudly


"Why, why you married me if you hate me? It's because of the money? Who are you want to take my family money? Ouh i forgot to ask you. Since when my  mom said i'm stupid?"

"Your mom always said behind you about that. Before we're married she also said that you're stupid" mingyu said

"Look. You didn't even know who's my real mom. M-my mom already died 8 years ago!"


"The proof you never care about me. I literally did everything to you to make you love me more but you still want hyewon. I really tired to heard that name" my eyes started to cry

"AERIM!! You also know that i love hyewon more than yo-" he didn't even finish the word aerim already cut off

"THEN WHY YOU FORCED YOURSELF TO MARRY ME!! I-i already give up mingyu... I'm already tired..."

"Mingyu, let's divorce"

Mingyu didn't say anything. He just standing infront aerim. Aerim already can see mingyu's tears. It's first time aerim saw mingyu want to cry"

"Kim mingyu... let's just divorce if you love hyewon more. I love you but you never love me" i said with soft tone

"Aerim, are you want to break the promise?" mingyu ask and hold my wrist

I nod "i want to break the promise like you break my heart. I don't wanna care about your parents disappoint about you or what"

"Aerim, please i didn't ready to divorce" mingyu kneeling and his tears falls

"Okay, then choose i will tell your parents and my parents about our real relationship or we just need to divorce"

It's harder choice if aerim in mingyu situation.

"I can't choose any on your opinion"

"Then i will choose for you. Let's divorce" i went straight to my room and packing my stuff into my luggage and some random box

"Aerim, please i-i can break up with hyewon" mingyu kneeling at me again

"Are you really want to do that? Then why before this you don't want to break up with her?"

"I-i don't know what to said again. I just want you in this house and-" mingyu didn't finish his word and aerim already cut it off

"And what? And my life will be more messy? And i will be more stress about you?"

Mingyu stand up "then if you choose to divorce then go...i deserve it...i will tell my parents and your parents about what happened to our relationship. You just need some rest to go away from me. I know you're tired. Now i understand you."

We're make eye contact for a second. Mingyu can't say anything. Aerim just continue packing her stuff but still trying to control her tears. Mingyu tears already falls.

"Should we need do our last hug or kiss" ask mingyu

"No, you're already have girlfriend. Why i need to hug someone's boyfriend?" i go and leave him alone

I order for a taxi to go my friends house. I will stay for a week and find another house

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