Part 6

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I look at them from afar. I can't even control my jealousy. I get out from that cafe. I turn on my phone and start tell about what happened

                    GROSS GROUP

I saw hyewon with mingyu with my own eyes!!

Really? mingyu really want to die with my own hand

Then what did you do?

I just ignored them because i just have fought with mingyu

I'm free right now. Do you want to go anywhere?

I'M FREE!! Aerim let's join us!!

Okay...i will join you guys

Where should we meet?

At the park that we always go. I will bring some fried chicken

Are we going to picnic? Then i bring two bottles coke

I will bring some sandwich


Aerim pov:

All of my friends arrived but no one bring the food like they said.

"Hey you know i bring you here because i feel sorry i didn't joined you at the beach yesterday" said elaine while pinch my cheeks

I chuckle "i actually want to tell you guys. I want to divorce but in the same time i feel like something uneasy"

"Just divorce with him. You don't deserve it" said elaine

"I need time to think about it" i said

Mingyu pov:

"Hyewon, do you want to go park?" i ask

"Hmm...alright then let's go" hyewon get up and take her handbag

We are arrived at the park. The sky so beautiful

"Hyewon, the sky looks so beautiful here" i said and look at her

"It's because i'm here" said hyewon with her smile

"Look your smile just like the sky" i point at her mouth

Hyewon chuckle "i want to take picture" hyewon said and take pictures at that sky

Aerim pov

"Wahh this food look so delicious. Who made this?" i ask

Jiwon flipped her hair "your annoying best friend"

"You should try my food too" said elaine

"Wait, i want to take pictures first" i said

I posted on my twitter.

After i posted on my twitter i see a group man give some paper to strangers

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After i posted on my twitter i see a group man give some paper to strangers. Suddenly one of their members gave us the paper too. It was about mini concert

"Wahh we can go at 4:30 pm" said elaine

"But it will start at 4:29 pm until 7:00 pm. Are you guys free?" ask jiwon

"I always free. I didn't even work yet" i said proudly

"She already finished degree but still didn't find job" said elaine slowly

"What did you say?!! Later i will find part-time job" i said

"Since last year you said the same things" said jiwon

"Shh i don't wanna hear it again" i said and close my ears

"Erkk aerim didn't has any job yet" my both friends said beside my ears

"Bla bla bla i didn't hear it. I didn't hear it" i look away

*Tingg* it was elaine phone notification. Everyone look at elaine phone

"It was hyewon posted" said elaine

"You follow her?" I ask

"Yes, i want to see what she posted about" elaine answer

We look at that posted.

We look at that posted

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"What...the...fuck...this couple is so cringe" jiwon said with her disgusting face

"I don't want see again. Let's go home for that mini concert" i said

"Hey clean this up first" said elaine

                         Skip time

It's already 4:00. I wearing white blouse and dark blue baggy jeans.

I call my friends to pickup me to that park again.

"Where are you now? Can you guys pick up me"

"Okay...we will arrived about 10 minutes" said jiwon

After we're arrived the place so beautiful. The light and the stage. But it's really crowd, i hate crowd places

"When it will start?" I ask

"I don't know it's already 4:30" said jiwon while look at her watch

Suddenly the music start. We're enjoy at that time. Every positive emotions come to me. After the concert we want to go back to our home. Suddenly i see mingyu with hyewon walking while hold her hand

"Since when they are here?" I said to myself

I ignore them.

"Yoon aerim!" i heard someone called my name. I turn my head to look who's calling me

It's was mingyu...and hyewon.

They come to me.

"Yoon aerim, where are you doing here?" ask mingyu

"Since when you care about me?" i said

"Go home now"

I look at mingyu "alright..."

I had to ride mingyu's car because my friends already go home. Hyewon and mingyu at front seat and i back seat

"Ashh aerim, why you said 'alright' you should tell him that you don't want to. Aerim you're so stupid. I really hate this day" i said to myself

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