Chapter 3

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I still can't grasp what just happened. I mean, of course I felt something for him, as I do all of my mates, but this time it was different. Why had I let my feelings run so wildly?

I have no time to think it through. I have dinner with him tonight and if I don't do something soon, the aging process will start.

Of course, I considered not killing him. Maybe we could live together forever, maybe this is the way it's suppose to be....

I shook my head at the ridiculous thought. Think of your life, your beautiful carefree youthful life, I told myself. I won't let that be ruined by a beautiful blond prince.

The time finally came when I had to face him again. I ignored the excitement flowing through my veins. I tried not to look at him when he opened the door for me that lead to his dining room.

Jonathan smiled awkwardly as he cleared his throat. "Um, I know it's kind of early in the relationship, but I got you a gift."

He gave me a small box with a floral design, and inside it displayed a beautiful necklace decorated with the finest jewels I've ever seen.

"Real diamonds?" I asked in astonishment.

"I thought it would be best for my true love I've been going mad searching for." He replied.

"It's gorgeous." I told him, honestly. "But I think it would model much better on you."

He snorted as he said, "Well, lets just see about that." He pulled the necklace over his head and laid the beautiful rocks against his gorgeous tanned skin. "Do I look pretty now?"

Smirking, I replied with, "As a princess."

We talked for so long, humorous talk lead into deep and thoughtful conversations, we both eventually forgot that he had it on. We forgot everything that was surrounding us. Nothing seemed remembering except the memory we were making at that moment together. It seemed not long at all when the time came for me to depart the stare of his loving eyes.

He walked me to my door and looked straight into my eyes. "I feel so old when I'm around you, but in a good way, you know?"

I knew that if he had said that to anyone else, they wouldn't understand. But I translated his words perfectly. It was his way of saying that he loved me. He gently grabbed my face and leaned in. I wrapped my hands around his neck as I craved for him to be closer.

We came closer and closer, and old thoughts filled my mind. Maybe we could live together forever, maybe this is the way it's suppose to be...

Right before our lips met, I grabbed and pulled on the necklace that he was still wearing. His eyes widened when I wouldn't stop. I pulled tighter and tighter, cutting off his means of breathing. He put up a fight, which left me with my bare hands to do the job. He finally passed out, but I still wouldn't let go.

Finally, he stopped breathing. No tears came when I saw my deceased lover lie dead across my porch. I retrieved the necklace that I had just murdered him with, now drenched with his blood.

"It's a shame," I told the motionless corpse. "I actually started to like you. "

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