.𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐀 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠.

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Ellie woke in bed next to Rafael. She grinned as she looked to him. "So do this mean my charges have been dropped? As I offered the ADA a very helpful bribe?" She asked.

Rafael smirked. "I'll have to check about that."

"See that you do counsellor," Ellie said as she kissed his lips gently. She straddled him. "I think I need to go home before I go to work."

"Why? I think you look good the way you are," Rafael told her as he ran his hand up her thigh.

Ellie raised her eyebrows. "I think Liv would be suspicious if I turn up wearing that dress," she said as she pointed to the wrinkled dress on the floor.

"I wouldn't complain."

"You wouldn't."

"Maybe you could wear my shirt."

Ellie got off of him and grinned. "Was nice seeing you counsellor," she said as she slipped her dress on and left.


Ellie sat in the car with Amanda and Olivia. She grinned she looked to see Finn and Nick who were going uncover at a gay bar. "They make a cute couple," Amanda said as she looked to Ellie.

Ellie grinned and nodded. "You think this will work?"

"The suspect is a fit-looking male. White, between 25 and 40, with blonde hair. Hitting on other men," Olivia told them.

"That narrows it down to half of Chelsea," Ellie mumbled as she looked over the case files.

"Well, cop instincts. I guess Fin and Amaro will just have to sort through them," Olivia said. She had seen something different with Ellie.


"The hotel only has cameras in the front," Amanda said as they stood at another crime scene.

"Charles Murphy checked in alone, so his company must have used a side door.You know, I think I saw him last night. He walked right by us."

"He must have the worst luck," Ellie said as she yawned. She was still tired from the night before.

"Whoever picked him up did his usual number. Tied him up.Rear entry. Stole his wallet," Amanda told them as she turned to Ellie.

"Yeah. Somehow I think more than one rear entry was used here," Ellie mumbled. She felt bad for the victim.

"Looks like. Plus he beat him up pretty badly. Our perp is escalating. He's got five missed calls. And I'm guessing he was supposed to be with them," Olivia said as she looked to the victims phone and saw the family wallpaper.


"Cragen's at one PP. They would like to know how this could have happened when we were on the scene," Olivia told them as they stood in the precinct.

"Maybe because there's five of us and 400 gay bars?" Finn suggested. Knowing it wasn't impossible for something like this to happen while there was a police presence.

"And none of the previous vics want to talk about it. Armstrong, he says he doesn't remember anything else. And absolutely, positively do not come down to his office," Ellie said.

"Jackson's on a cruise to nowhere with his wife and daughters," Finn told them as he looked around.

"Closeted gay men. This perp sure knows how to pick a victim," Olivia commented.

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