.𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞.

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"Eleanor. You are not bailing on me for drinks. I need to get today out of my head," Belle said as she looked to her twin.

Ellie rolled her eyes. "What makes you think I don't want to spend a quiet evening in my bed?" She asked.

"You don't. I'm your twin. And my sisterly instinct is telling me you need to get out. So come on, out. Or I'll have to drag you by your pretty black hair," Belle told her.

Ellie again rolled her eyes. "I hate you."

"No you don't. Come on. Or do you have someone here? Is that it?" Belle asked.

"No. I have no one here. What is it with you people thinking I have someone in my apartment?"

Belle shrugged. "You're sneaky. And you know it," she told her. She smiled. "Come on! I am bored!"

Ellie groaned. "Can't we do it this weekend? I mean... I feel dead," she said.

Belle shook her head. "You're being rather mean... you realise that don't you?" She told her.


Ellie walked into Rafael's apartment. He was there in bed. Ellie walked over to him and smiled. "Belle tried to drag me out today. I told her I have no interest in that. Because all I want is to be here," she said.

Rafael smirked and kissed her as he pulled her into bed. Their lips met in a heated and passionate kiss.

"I want to lose myself in you," Ellie said as her eyes never left his as he pulled her beneath him.

Rafael smiled. "I'm pretty sure it's me who loses myself in you," he said.

Rafael smiled, lowering himself enough to kiss her, while still allowing space between them for her hand to continue to stroke him.

"I want you," Ellie panted when his lips moved to her neck and hand cupped her breast, thumb grazing her nipple.

His mouth engulfed the other, tongue swirling her hardened nub as the hand previously on her breast trailed lower, slipping between her legs, dipping into her warmth.

Ellie's breathing became heavy, her free hand gripping into his hair when his fingers moved to tease her clit.

"I need you..." She groaned, tugging his lips back to hers as her back arched and hips bucked against his fingers. "Please." The plea sounded strained as her body worked against her.

Rafael settled himself between her legs, removing her hand from him as he lined up with her entrance.

Both of her hands were either in his hair or on his cheek, keeping his mouth close to hers as he eased in. Her breath hitched as he bottomed out and his body pressed flush against hers.

"I could stay like this forever," He purred, pulling back just enough to look at her.

"It's almost a shame we can't," Ellie said as she kissed him. .

Rafael smirked, his hand cupping her cheek as he pulled out leaving just his tip, then thrust back into her.

"This is somehow better though..." She moaned, pulling his lips back to hers while ignoring the smug smile spreading across his face.

He continued to push into her, taking his time as they had all day. It may have been a Wednesday evening, and he was tired. But he wanted to make Ellie feel special.

"Fuck..." Ellie groaned as his pace picked up, her hips grinding against his.

Her head was the first to arch back, then her body as her hips stilled against his, she could feel every inch of him moving inside her as she tightened around him.

ENCHANTED, R.BarbaWhere stories live. Discover now