."𝐖𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠".

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Ellie knew how things were with her and Rafael. She knew that they'd been hooking up and having sex whenever they could. But neither of them had established what they were.

She didn't know if they were together. Or just using each other for sex. Ellie needed answers. Knowing it would no doubt drive her insane and crazy.

Ellie was currently sitting in the precinct. She saw Liv leaving and smiled. "Wow. Someone is off early," she said.

"Yeah. I'm taking the night off."

Ellie grinned. She turned to see a young woman walking into SVU. "Can I help you?" She asked.

"I-I hope so. I was raped. By a cop."


"She says Cassidy raped her? Our Cassidy?" John asked as Ellie sat in the office with him and Nick.

Ellie sighed and nodded. "She says it was four years ago. He was undercover with some pimp. Never saw him again. Until she recognized his picture in the paper about the Ganzel trial," she told him.

"Well, that's one hell of a coincidence. Cassidy's getting ready to testify against Ganzel. And this woman appears, making accusations," John said.

"All right. But we know he crossed some lines," Ellie said. She saw a text from Barba and ignored it.

"You were here when Ganzel drugged our captain. Put a dead hooker in his bed," John said.

"You mean Carissa? The hooker Cassidy had an affair with?" Nick asked.

"Yeah. That's why he was busted down to uni. And works nights at a Bronx courthouse.He's paid the price," John told them.

Ellie rolled her eyes. She looked between them. "So, what do we do?" She asked. Knowing it could turn ugly.

"Tell this woman to take a hike?" Nick suggested. He shared a look with Ellie.

"There's protocol. We have to notify IAB or our commanding officer.We'll try Cragen first."

"Cragen? Who is currently on a fishing boat off Bimini?" Ellie asked.

"Rules are rules."


"I don't want you enjoying this too much, okay?" John said as he stood outside of Cassidy's apartment with Ellie and Nick.

"I take no joy in this. I could be at home in my bathtub. Instead I'm here," Ellie said.

"Coming! Hold on a second," Cassidy said as he looked to them. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Numbnuts. Don't you ask who it is before your open the door?" John asked.

"I thought you were my thai food," Cassidy said as he looked to them.

"We need to talk," John told him.

"Now. Can we come in?" Nick asked.

"It's not a real good time right now, guys."

"Bri--" a voice from the bedroom said

"I got this.It's taken care of."

"You have company?" Ellie asked as she tilted her head. Hoping she wasn't going to walk in on anything she didn't want to see

ENCHANTED, R.BarbaWhere stories live. Discover now