Chapter 2

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Meanwhile, in the office. YTube was talking to everyone about the updates and upcoming things creators are making. For example: Hazbin Hotel. It will be released in Prime, Tok will have new edits Pinter/Pinterest and Twitter will get new fanart and the list goes on. But they don't know if the series will be posted in YouTube or not.

"I still dont understand why you changed your logo and name, Twitter. Or... X..." Twitter rolled her eyes. "This is my choice Ytube. Besides, black and white is a good colour on me" "Some people are complaining about your update" X/Twitter stood up and slammed her hands in the table. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!! EVERYONE LIKES THE DARK MODE!!! JUST ASK TOK-!!!"

Tok then barged in the room breathless. "Oh, hey Tok!" Twitter smiled. "Hey, Twit- uh, X. YT I need to talk to you... In private..." Suddenly everyone except Tok and YTube did an 'Ooooohhh' Tok rolled her eyes and turned to look at the rest
"Shut. Your. Mouths. Or else..."

Everyone shutted up and Tok and YT went in a different room. "What, Tok? I'm busy, with a meeting. Also, your late. Again... I called for you didn't I? I called every single app that will have an update with the new series of Hazbin Hotel!" "Sorry for being late, I didn't get your message. Also, you need to see this" Tok showed YT the video. He looked pissed. He sighed. "Thankyou for telling me, Tok. Me you and Cap/Capcut will figure this out later" YT was about to walk away when Tok grabbed his wrist. "We don't have time! This Via girl knows things about us! If we don't act fast, the internet will be filled with hate!"

"Not now, Tok. You and I including Cap will have a discussion at the head building later" "Why can't we head there now! We have access to that place! We are the top 3 apps!" "That place was designed for the top 3 for important purposes. We live there (kinda, they can choose to live in their tower or the head building) we talk bussiness there, and more. Later, Tok" "But this is important!" "Why are you suddenly worried about one fucking video? Go to the head building, I'll text Cap to go there as well, and I'll be there later"

YT waved her off, leaving Tok stunned. If she doesn't act fast, something bad might happen. They or not gonna get away with this...

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