Chapter 3

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YT watched as Tok left angry and shocked. YTube sighed and looked up to see everyone curious. "Did we miss anything? What was the conversation about?" Pinter/Pinterest asks. "Nothing important. Don't be alarmed my friend. Let's get back to the meeting..."

Tok left and when she arrived home. She looked down thinking for a moment. She thought to herself on how to convince YT to take this seriously. And usually he's always serious...

And then... She had an idea. Tok had a very mischievous wonderful idea...
(Rebecca and Grinch reference, lol)

When YTube came in, he had an annoyed face. "What, Tok? Cap is on his way, he's just getting Dunkin donuts... Again..."

"YT... You need to take this serious... That video has exposed us good. If we don't act fast the whole internet could hate us..." "And how is that possible? We are the most used apps. That is why we are the diamond/top apps"
Tok sighed. Her plan was going into action...

"Okay, YTube. Does this... Hurt?"
YT throws a silver YouTube play button on YT. In return, he looked unfazed. "You do realize I created that? And we are almost basically immortal. And it's like we can't get hurt" "Does... This hurt?" She throws a golden play button. Again, YT was unfazed. Kinda... "Kinda the same answer... Just a little pinch though..."

"Then... Does THIS hurt?!" She summons idk how many diamond play button at YT. "OKAY! THAT SORTA HURT, BUT WHAT'S THE POINT OF THIS?!!" "If ONE user fights back, they ALL will fight back!!! If we don't act fast, we will lose downloads or be forgotten or not be used. Rather way... US APPS WILL LOOSE..."
YT blushed and not by embarrassment. "Let me break it down for you, YouTube..."

Tok grabbed YT by the collar and lifted him up, inches away from their face. "Our job is more than giving humans pleasure and entertainment... We make sure those humans are put in LINE..."

"Hey, guys!!! Sorry it took so long, Dunkin donuts is busy this year-"
Cap shutted up as he sees Tok and YT inches away from their faces leaning on a table. Let's say... He was having a dirty mind at that moment. He coughed. "Am I uh... Disturbing something...?" YT pushed Tok gently, blushing a bit. Not from embarrassment though.

"Not at all. We need to take something serious. Explain this video, Tok" Tok smiled that she finally convinced YT. It's pretty hard to convince him, but if your Tok or you have a very very very good reason. Then he will listen. She didn't mean to bring up the humans. They mean a lot to her. But she had to, so she could convince YT...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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