Chapter 8 - "Ilse Arlond"

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I rushed Sonna back to the lunch room, from where she was fighting with the guy, Jack. How dare he hurt my sister? And if he didnt, what if he had said something to upset her? If you are messing with my sister, I will put it in my gut to protect her.

I looked outside and I saw it was getting really cloudy, as if it was going to rain! As we were eating, I hear on the announcements,
"(English) Ilse Arlond please attend my office, Ilse Arlond to my office, thank you" the message ended, weird, why did he want me from all people in the school to come,

"(German) I could come with you" Sonna recommended,
"Do you know where it is?" I asked,
"Come on, I will show you" she said, taking my hand. When we got to the office, we could see Jack glaring at me and walking away, did I get my first enemy already? As we both entered the office, I saw the principal already ready to talk to us,

"(English) Oh, I see you brought Sonna. Take a seat" he showed, as Sonna and I took a seat.
"It's good you also came Sonna. Alright, I got Jack's part of the story, I want to hear yours, what happened?" He asked. I looked at Sonna, as she sighed and began,

"Look, please don't get her in trouble, she was being a sister" Sonna begged in her German accent. The principal looked at me, and back at Sonna,

"What happened?" he repeated,
"Jack thought I was some girl, Mia I think. I don't know why he is so upset with her and thinks it's me, but you need to do something about it" she said,

"Did you not hear? There was a girl named Mia at this school that...sadly died" the principal said. He looked at the door and back at us,
"I will have a talk with Jack. But I want to know, Ilse, why did you attack Jack?" He asked me, clearly wanting something from me,
"I attacked Jack because I thought he was harming my sister, that's what any older sister would do" I said.

"Yea, you thought, did it actually happen?" the principal asked. I was so annoyed by his question, who would ask that of a 12 year old girl? Then I looked at Sonna,
"(German) Let's go," I commanded Sonna. As I got up the principal stopped me,

"(English) Look, I don't know who told you could go. And please, don't talk in german. I need to understand what you are talking about" he said,
"Well I see the discussion is over, lass uns gehen Sonna (let's go Sonna)" I said as we both just left the office. As we were walking, Sonna kept blabbing and blabbing,

"(German) Don't you think maybe we should have stayed? I mean what if he wanted to say something else? What if we could help Jack find this girl? And-" then I just snapped,

"(German) Can you just actually please stop talking about them for 1 second!" I yelled, I didn't realise how hard I yelled at Sonna. She took a step back and looked hurt, then she ran away to the bathroom, that is when I realised I yelled at her pretty hard, and I immediately felt sorry, how could I do something like that to my own sister? My own little sister?

I ran into the bathroom after her, and saw she was crying in the corner of the bathroom, holding her head. That is when I remembered she had a condition where if she was under a lot of stress, she would develop headaches, and sometimes even pass out! I ran up to Sonna,

"(English) No no no! I'm so sorry, please! I'm sorry!" I said hugging her,
"(German) ugh everything is spinning" she whined,

"I forgot to tell you that you have a condition where if you are under a lot of stress, you develop headaches, and sometimes even pass out. Please, I'm sorry! Please!" I begged as I let out a few tears with Sonna. After a few minutes she calmed down,

"No, im sorry, I angered you" she pointed out as she looked at the floor,
"Sonna, i'm your sister, I shouldn't yell at you..." I sighed,
"Come on, let's get you cleaned up and let's head outside. I heard the lunch recesses here are 1 hour long" I said with a smile, and she showed me one too.

When we got outside, I decided to talk about random things with Sonna since I couldn't find Olivia and Giena, maybe they were hanging out together, somewhere. And then I saw Daniel, the guy Jack was with, seriously what is wrong with this school? They just allow bullying and stalking in this school?

"(English) Uh hey. I know you are new to this school and all but, I kinda want to show you around" he said with a smile, I saw how he was talking with Jack before, but Sonna was all alone, until I came. And I was thinking maybe I could go see the school myself, I couldn't find Olivia and Giena so might as well, but first I decided to ask Sonna about it,

"(German) Do you want to check out the school or spend your time here during recess?" I asked,
"We could check out the school" she answered,
"(English) so is that a yes or?" Daniel asked,
"Yea, we will go," I said, getting up. As we walked around the school, Daniel tried making small talk,

"So, when did you come to Canada from Germany?" he asked,
"We came a few months ago," I answered. I honestly acted like a mom to Sonna, but I was just trying to be protective. We just arrived at a school I don't know, nor does she, so I was just trying to look out. As we kept walking, I saw Olivia and Giena in one room,
"Wait, what is that?" I asked, Daniel looked inside and sighed,

"That is the Martial arts club. There was a girl named Mia that used to run it, you probably heard of her, she...she died, and since her best friend, Olivia was the Co-captain of the Martial arts club, she decided it would be better if she runs it, and Giena, your cousin if i'm right, decided to become Co-captain of the martial arts club, and the captain of the swimming team" Daniel explained, I have honestly wanted to always do martial arts, and I could see Sonna's eyes widen, sure.
Hello! I will try to be short with this,
Hello! I am very happy to announce that I will be making a book 3 of the spectre!

And go quickly!explore my irl bestie's book! The Shattered Fate! I may be wrong but I think she uploads a chapter per day! So make sure to go check that out in your free time!

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And last but not least, see you in the next chapter!

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