Chapter 20 - "Jack Gelornis"

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I heard Mia and Ilse went to the hospital. I'm getting worried. I don't know what happened since I wasn't there, but Olivia called me and told me they were getting out today. I'm kinda worried about the needle the lab gave me.

They did it, told me to wait a day, and I could go home. They told my parents to keep an eye on me in case anything happens, and I think my 50 turns for curing the disorder worked, luckily. They said if it will kick in, it will only be referred to punching, but I don't know.

As I'm writing this, nothing has happened significantly. I fainted when I got home, but nothing happened. I fainted and a few seconds later, woke up just fine. My parents still suspect it's in me, they locked me in my room. I tried persuading them that nothing happened and I'm fine, but until they see me faint, I don't think they will believe me.

I have tried calling Olivia, but I haven't gotten an answer yet. But I remember Olivia calling me one time and telling me to meet her at her house today at 3, and right now it is 2:36 Pm, in about 30 minutes I will go.

I will say the truth, I'm worried about Mia, or Ilse, I mean I have gotten an answer that they were leaving the hospital, but when Olivia told me they had fallen at the beach, I immediately suspected she died.

I still remember running away from the wave, and I don't think anyone saw, but the enormous wave tumbled towards me, but all it did was pull me and make me fall backwards.

I'm surprised I didn't faint back then because of all the stress, but maybe I did, I forgot. I held my breath so the water didn't go into my lungs, I am not sure if Mia did. I was walking to Olivia's house, I saw a glimpse of Mia and Ilse talking together, were they going to Olivia's house too?

I quickly ran into the direction of her house, and saw an open window and a tree. I looked back to see Mia and Ilse walking to her house, they couldn't know I was coming, it would be havoc.

I quickly climbed the tree and almost fell on the 4th branch, which gave me a little heart attack. When I got to her window, which was luckily open, I busted through, falling to the floor. I got up and look at Olivia, which she looked scared as hell,

"G-get out" Olivia commanded,
"I didn't faint, it's not controlling" I said putting my hands up, to show I was fine,
"Then why did you climb through the window?" she asked, confused,

"I saw Ilse and Mia, how do you think Ilse will react when she sees me going inside your house?"
"She will be here anyway, I invited everyone"
"Who do you mean everyone?" I questioned,

"Mia, Ilse, Giena, Daniel, and you. I couldn't get a hold of Alex. I don't even know where he is" Olivia explains. I suddenly hear a knock on the door and Olivia tells me to stay there.

I honestly became really anxious for how Ilse was going to react if I was inside, suddenly I started feeling light headed, oh no I thought, was I going to pass out? I quickly ran to the door and locked it, then I backed out to Olivia's bed and sat on it, holding my head in pain.

I heard Olivia, Mia, and Ilse coming to the door, and heard someone trying to open it, they nudged and nudged but it wouldn't budge,
"Jack? Are you there?" Olivia asked, when I heard her voice, my head became better, and I felt fine. I got up and unlocked the door. When Ilse saw I was there, she pushed me aside and came in,

"Ilse, tu das nicht, was wäre, wenn er etwas tun müsste? (Ilse, don't do that, what if he had to do something?)" Mia/Sonna said, I think she was referring to Ilse since she said her name,

"Er ist ein Idiot, er weiß nicht einmal, wovon wir reden (he is an idiot, he doesn't even know what we're talking about)" Ilse said, glaring at me, i'm going to guess she called me an idiot, since she said it, and she glared at me right after,
"I'm sorry" I said,

"No need to get hostile, we are all friends, we are not at war" Olivia reassured,
"I'm at war with him," Ilse said in her German accent, glaring at me. Now that I think about it, the German language is aggressive.

Then a doorbell rang and Olivia ran out of the room, leaving only Ilse, still glaring at me, and Mia. She started coming up to me until Ilse grabbed her hand,

"Kommen Sie ihm nicht zu nahe, was ist, wenn er wieder zusammenbricht?" (don't get close to him, what if he collapses again?)" Ilse asked,
"Ich werde schnell sein, er macht alles und ich werde ihn verprügeln, vertrau mir (I will be quick, he does anything and I will beat him up, trust me)" Mia told her. Ilse looked at me, and back at Mia,

"Go," Ilse said coldly to me. Mia showed me with her head to leave the room, and a moment later, she left too. She took me to the bathroom and locked the door,

"I'm really sorry about Ilse, she is just watching out for me, a little too much. Just ignore her" she said, grabbing my shoulder,

"Well I'm not really sure. She is just giving me glares everytime she sees me, it's making me anxious, and I don't know a word you guys are saying" I pointed out,

"Don't worry, unless you're with me, she won't do anything" she comforted,
"And how are you so sure? Compared to what happened last time?"

"Oh...don't worry" she comforted as she unlocked the bathroom door and left. I sighed and went after her. How was she so sure? Ilse resented me, she would do anything to bring me pain, not sure why honestly.

When I entered the room, I realised Daniel and Giena were already there,
"Hey Jack" Daniel welcomed me, I didn't say anything back and just smiled. Olivia ordered all of us to sit down as she began,

"The reason I called all of you is...I thought maybe we could go to a friend camp day, no parents, no one else, just us. The forest I'm planning to go to is called 'Redwing Forest'. Anyone up for the idea, raise their hand" Olivia commanded, as if giving instructions to some children. Surprisingly, everyone raised their hand,

"The only problem is that the forest is very thick, so I recommend that we stay together," she said. I went home with a paper, on everything I needed to bring. Most of the items seemed useful, for example: Water bottle, flashlight, sleeping bag, compass, all the necessary things, then I went a little down the list,

No phones, yes knives or anything sharp, I thought about my disorder, what if it...what if it kicks in while i'm holding a knife? Then I thought about the cure the lab gave me, and the doctor's words rang in my mind again,

"The disorder will only be able to punch, not stab. You will also be able to control it a little" I thought, I should be fine then. When I got home, I sat down at my bed, a whole day of camp huh? I heard my parents enter my room,

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" They said, as my mom was holding a cake, it wasn't my birthday today, was it?
"It's not my birthday" I said as they got closer,
"Honey! Did you forget? Yes it is! June 25th!"

They brought my favourite birthday cake, chocolate moose. I was so emotional I started crying, it had been so long since they have celebrated my birthday, I forgot! I blew out the candles and I wished, I hope this disorder goes away.
Well guys! We are so close to the last chapter! So close! I was thinking this doesn't really need a bonus chapter, maybe I could add a little bonus part at the last chapter!

Guys I can't believe how much views I got in overnight! And how much I have right now! In my first book I have 141 views, second book I have 113 views, in total, 254 people read the chapters in total! Thank you so much! I think I will probably make a book for THAT instead Halloween, since the book doesn't have a lot to do with Halloween itself.

At this point, all you have to do to make me happy is just reading the book! Thank you so much for the views! I am so grateful! So so so delighted!

And last but not least, have a great day and see you in the next chapter!

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