Chapter 14 - "Olivia Chendar"

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As we knocked at Jack's house, I had my taser ready in my pocket, well, a hoodie pocket if you know what I mean. I was wondering about what Mia told me, he was killing people in his faints, killing people!

But like she said it wasn't exactly his fault, so even if he did go on a murder spree, he wouldn't know where he went, who he killed, or anything else that has happened.

I'm surprised I haven't heard of this before. I saw Jack opening the door after a few seconds and I saw he got beaten up! His left side of the mouth was a little swollen, but not exactly that noticeable. I saw a few cuts on his hands and face.

"Oh, hey there" he said to Giena, Ilse, Mia, and I. I saw him look at Ilse, the tallest one in the group, only by a few centimetres taller than Mia, and honestly, Ilse gave a few death glares in the past at Jack, and she was showing him a look that I felt like said, don't you dare do anything bad, kinda way.

"May we come inside your house? There is an experiment we would like to conduct" Mia said. I saw Jack looking confused at her, but he stepped aside for us to enter. We went up to his room to tell him what we are going to do, and he surprisingly agreed! Even about the taser!

So Mia set a timer for 10 minutes. And we started stressing out Jack, from yelling at him, to pushing him around, to even saying rude comments about him.

Yes, it's not right, and I felt really bad saying those things. So bad I actually wanted to drop out of the experiment but rethinked it, it would be better for Jack. 7 minutes into the experiment, it looked like Jack was going to faint.

Everyone stepped back as Jack layed there. Giena made the fatal mistake of trying to wake him up. As she was coming to him, Ilse stopped her,
"Giena! Stop!" Ilse yelled, but it was too late, he woke up. He turned to look at Giena, and suddenly swung his arm, hitting Giena right in the face.

Jack got up and looked right at me, was this the end? Luckily he could only use his arms and hands if he wanted to hurt any of us. He looked at me with envy in his eyes, like a demon or parasite was controlling him, then I remember he would wake up and have no idea what happened, then out of nowhere, he charged right at me.

Ilse was looking at Jack with confusion, but I saw Mia running towards Jack. I stopped thinking and tased him.

He fell on the ground, but weirdly enough, got up as if he was immune to pain. The moment he looked like he was about to charge at me, I saw a hand grab his arm and suddenly he got flipped, and I saw who was flipping him, none other than Mia! She turned around and asked in her strong german accent,

"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine, but is he ok?" I asked, pointing with my head at Jack. I looked at Ilse and saw she was breathing heavily while looking at Jack.

Then I looked at Giena, and saw she was still covering the part Jack smacked with his arm. I looked at Mia, trying to wake Jack up. It took a good 20 seconds to wake him up, as soon as he saw us looking at him, he bounced to the wall behind him,

"What happened?" He demanded. Everyone looked at each other and back at Jack,
"I guess we made you a little too stressed out and you went against all of us, well, except Ilse" I told him,

"And you gave me an arm slap that made half my face red" Giena said angerally as she showed him the mark and covered it up with her hand.

"Do you guys think it's a good idea to anger this...this creature inside me? I almost harmed you guys, I killed my sister, I killed someone else, I tried to kill my father with a knife, and who knows what else I have done?" Jack said getting up, "You know what? I'm ready, just send me to the asylum before I commit another crime" he said, leaning on his wall.

I actually felt back for him. Yes, he killed someone, but out of his control. Mia said that he got it in a car crash. I didn't even know he had something like this. We decided he could try out therapy with the money I had.

When Mia, Ilse, Jack, and I came into the lobby, an assistant called us to come to her, she looked like she was about in her 30s. She looked up at us and gave us a confused look,

"Why are you here?" she asked,
"Uh, I would like to hand myself in" Jack said as he looked up,
"Well what is wrong?" The lady asked,
"I have DBD, but I faint. And when I do, I harm, and I mean in a kill way" Jack said quietly. The lady took her glasses off in surprise,

"You have what?" she said in shock. Then she asked him a few questions, and next thing I know he has to go into a room. I wonder what they will do to him there.

The assistant told us to leave and that they will figure it out, I doubt it, I even doubt that they ever had a case like this. He faint and it's all over. This guy loses his mind when he faints! Whatever brain injury that was sure was extremely effective, in a bad way.
Well, this is a short part, yet there is a lot of information. Turns out Jack decided to go to a mental asylum of some sort!

If you guys enjoy the story, you can either vote/favourite if you'd like or can! If you don't want to, that's completely fine! I would also appreciate if you could go to the comments and correct me on any mistakes, or just tell me you like the story!

I said this in a few chapters but I will be releasing another book, hopefully during this time period:
October 30 - November 15.
Maybe I would release later though, but I don't know honestly, just whenever I could. It will also take me some time to make the cover, but I will surely have it before 2023 ends.

And also, on a random note, can you believe that 2023 is ending in 3 months? How fast time goes! Anyways, I hope you have a great day, and like I always say, have a nice day!

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