Egg attack

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Recap: Our hero Sonic the Hedgehog was laying on his beanbag in his new home while felling depressed about the recent things that has happened to him but in order to feel good, our young hero went to green hill zone to rest but what Sonic doesn't know was that his arch enemy Eggman has hatched a new scheme and ordered his Swat-bots to attack green hill zone and So the story continues. (Get that reference Sentai fans?)

In Green Hill Zone

In a beautiful, grassy and lush area that has Palm trees, vertical loops, cliffs and forest animals that were sleeping until a blue dash passed by them and we see our blue hero running towards one of the cliffs of the zone and sees the beautiful landscape of the Green Hill Zone.

Sonic: "Woah, whenever I've been to this place I didn't realise how beautiful it really is, I guess I must've been to busy fighting Egghead a lot of the time that I didn't have enough time to actually see the best parts of the zones I visited."

Sonic: "Oh well it's time to rest now, all the stuff that's been happening to me is really putting me into a bit of stress."

Sonic then lays down on the grass and falls asleep expecting to have a dream about him having an unlimited access to Chill Dogs but unfortunately for him life (even in dreams) is a Butthole.

???: "Don't get close to me you freak!"
???: "I don't get what my sister once saw in you, but at least she saw who you really are hedgehog."
???: "I don't know how Marice and and Bernie, who were the most famous mobian scientists of their time could have such an irresponsible son that doesn't take things seriously and always causes trouble and destruction wherever he goes and almost killed us all!"

Sonic kept on hearing and trying to ignore the insults towards him until he couldn't take it anymore and woke up.

Sonic: "Argh! Can I just have a good bit of sleep without those 'dreams' interrupting"
*Blast sounds *
Sonic: "what the?!" Sonic then heard a large explosion behind him then he looked and saw some familiar robots that were destroying the zone and attacking its inhabitants.

Sonic: "Swat-bots!? Just when I thought today would be good." Sonic then jumps off the hill and goes to confront the Swat-bots.

Sonic: "Hey tin cans over here!"
Sonic shouted which grabs the Swat-bots attention towards him and they start shooting at him but Sonic uses his reflexes to dodge the blast and turns into a spin ball and headed towards the Swat-bots and destroys one of them at the chest and then destroys the the other by destroying its head with a Spinball Kick, then he punches the other Swat-bot in the knee which hurts his arm since it's made of steel and the Swat-bot kicks the Hedgehog as if he were a ball (Irony: 100), which made Sonic crash through a Palm tree.

Sonic quickly gets back up and turns into a spinball again and rushes at the Swat-bot but this time he aims for the Swat-bot's arms and tears right through the right one who has its blasters and then he vertically attacks the other arm of the robot in which the Swat-bot cannot move its arms and so Sonic kicked it down at the back.

Sonic then turns his sights on the other 10 remaining Swat-bots who were beginning to locked on him and Sonic only smirked looking at them
Sonic: "Well what are you guys waiting for? I'm all yours." (That sounded so wrong and weird)

The Swat-bots opened fire and Sonic turned into a spinball and rushes towards them.

In Eggman's Ship (where Eggman is suppose to get a report from the Swat-bots if they had destroyed Green hill Zone

Eggman: "What's taking those dolts forever to report they should have destroyed 60% of the Zone by now?"

Snively: "Uh... sir I  don't think you may not want to look at this."

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