Chapter 6

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Thank you so much for all the support I received on the last chapter. I love the in-line comments and really appreciate the long reviews too. It makes me really happy to see people appreciate my writing as they are so many good EdSer writers out there!


Serkan sighed picking the other picture that fell face down, he picked it up and flipped it and his heart caught in his throat.

Serkan stared at it, there had to be a logical explanation, it was maybe a picture he kept, but that was hers, taken by her Hala, with some child from the orphanage she attended

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Serkan stared at it, there had to be a logical explanation, it was maybe a picture he kept, but that was hers, taken by her Hala, with some child from the orphanage she attended. He convinced himself. She had left lots of those at his appartement even if he didn't recall this particular one.

He flipped the picture again, there was writing behind.

"She can walk! She's so big already, I don't want her to grow up too fast ! - 18 Septembre 2023."

Serkan's heart fell to his stomach as he looked at Kiraz, then back at the picture. She was Eda's daughter. His heart swelled with a sudden rush of love and affection, his hand reaching for Kiraz's forearm as he blinked in shock, eyes welling up. He looked at the bedside table at Kiraz's medical report, he knew it was there but he never touched it.

He opened it, eyes filling at the confirmation. "Kiraz YILDIZ."

Eda had a daughter... Shock filled his insides. He allowed himself to touch Kiraz's cheek once more, not believing how much affection he felt knowing who's child she was. She was a striking photocopy of Eda, he understood why he saw Eda in some of her mannerisms and aura and why she drew to him like Eda did. His hand suddenly froze.

His breath got stuck in his throat. Heart hammering against his chest. Kiraz was what, 6 years old ? Had Eda moved on that fast after him ? Did she meet someone during her studies in Italy ?

He checked the date on the picture again, it said Septembre 2023. He opened her file again looking for her birth date.

"4 Septembre 2022."

Seven and a half month after the cold February 2022 night he threw Eda out. No. This couldn't be. His heart sank to his stomach, lump forming in his throat. Then a thought dawned on him, the compatibility. He was her donor, meaning they had the same bloodgroup and DNA cells and it wasn't a coincidence. Serkan rose from his seat as if he had been burned in realisation.

She was his daughter. Kiraz Yıldız was Eda and his daughter.

He put a clenched fist to his mouth in shock, eyes filled with pain and left the room, fleeing the Hospital in fast strides as realisation hit his insides. He was a father. He had a daughter.


Eda stroke Kiraz's hair, putting a kiss to her forehead. Kiraz blinked, seeing her mother there instead of Serkan.

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