"Fizzarolli's Past (Part 1)"

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"Look at his horns!" Those were the four words that haunted Fizzarolli. Everywhere he went, he was met with "Look at his horns!" He would be stared at, and at times, random people would come up and touch them. Kids and adults alike would crouch down to his level and say, "What...unique...horns you've got there!" when him and his momma were going out somewhere.

He honestly loved his horns. As much as he hated the constant fawning over them, the alternating pattern was very cool. He thought they were unique and different, having never seen another imp with horns like his.

On the other hand, his mother despised how they looked. His momma looked at him with pure disgust any time he would walk by, and made sure to insult them any time she could. Growing up with her was hard, but she was all Fizzarolli really had. He didn't have a dad, and he most certainly didn't have any friends.

His father left soon after Fizzarolli's birth, running away with nearly every possession his mother still had. He took their house, appliances, furniture, and nearly all of their money. His mother would often tell her son things like, "Your father leaving was your fault, and your fault alone". Fizzarolli sometimes would find himself zoned out, thinking about what life would be like if his father had taken him too. Maybe it could have been better.

Either way, his mother got very sick and tired of having to see her child's genetic mutation day after day. So, she came up with a..."healthy compromise".

It was a normal enough day. His mother was going on a grocery run, leaving the child alone at their rat-infested apartment. Fizzarolli would commonly wait by the door, being excited for his mother's return. Soon the doorknob started to jingle, telling the unattended child that his guardian was home. He looked at the clock. The grocery run only took 4 hours this time! A new record!

Fizzarolli happily greeted his mother who just got back from the store with food. "Hey, Momma! Hey, Momma!" Fizzarolli cheered happily. "Did you bring me the ice cream that I asked for?"

His mother groaned. She fished around for something in the bag. Suddenly, she shoved thick white bandages into his hands. "Wrap your horns. I don't want to have to see that disgusting mutation my hole so disappointedly created."

Fizzarolli looked at the bandages for a few seconds and started to cry. His mother scowled at his cries. "You're five years old. You should know that nobody will want you to work for them if you have those on display." His mother scoffed.

Fizzarolli nodded his head. "Yes, Momma," He cried, trudging over to the bathroom. He slowly unwound the bandages, going up and around his left horn. He looked in the mirror crying even harder. He finishes his left horn, and wraps up his right horn.

By the time he's done, he's finished crying. However, he still looked like a wreck. He walked out of the bathroom to see his mother sitting on their old and ratty couch. She beams as he walks out, her tail twitching with happiness.

"There's my boy. Come over here," His mom requested, holding her arms out in a hug. Fizzarolli smiled slightly, almost never getting physical touch from his parents. His mother leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. "You look much better like this, Fizzy," She said, gazing into his eyes. For the first time ever, she had genuine love in her eyes. Fizzarolli's tail wagged happily, burying his head into his mother's chest.


It had been about 3 months since Fizzarolli was asked to wrap his horns. It was starting to become more and more common for his mother to make him cover his horns. What used to be an "only at home" occurrence, became an every day occurrence. Any time he would leave the house his mom would hound him over keeping his horns completely covered.

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