"Mother Figure (Fizzarolli+Blitzø)"

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{Hello, readers! I'm so sorry that this took so long to update! If I'm being honest, (with school, finals, and just life in general) I sort of forgot about both this, and my other fic. I hope to start updating more frequently this year though!

But, I digress! I hope you enjoy!!! 💜}

Asmodeus and Stolas had been friends for as long as both Fizzarolli and Blitzø knew them. They constantly texted each other, and despite what happened at Ozzie's, they were very close. Stolas would go to Asmodeus for advice.

So, when Stolas wasn't doing the best this morning and the owl requested to go to Asmodeus's palace, Blitzø offered to drive.

Once the two got there, both Asmodeus and Stolas were instantly in Asmpdeus's "meeting room", talking. It more so sounded like gossiping than just talking to Blitzø. As he started to listen, he realized that it was just a gossip session. Every once in a while there would be a gasp and a, "She did NOT!" From Asmodeus. Okay. Yep. The two were gossiping.

Meanwhile, Blitzø and Fizzarolli were left alone. Usually, Fizzarolli would be with Asmodeus, but this seemed extremely private. The last thing he wanted to do was intrude.

And as for the two imps, they didn't feel even nearly that close. This was their first time "hanging out" since after the Mammon thing. And, even though they practically knew each other inside and out, it still felt so weird.

They could barely keep up any small talk. They would ask how each other's day was, and then go quiet. They would ask how they were doing, and then go quiet. And that was all until Fizzarolli looked over at Blitzø and sighed.

"I didn't notice at first but...you're wearing your mom's necklace," Fizzarolli said.

Blitzø nodded, grasping it.

"It was the only thing of her's they could recover. Dad was gone with Barbie, so I told them to contact me if they found anything," Blitzø explained, trying to keep himself from crying.

Fizzarolli was quiet for a moment.

"You know, I looked up to her," Fizzarolli said, looking to the ground. "I mean...of course we're in two completely different boats. She was your mom and stuff...but still. I was-I am an orphan Blitzø. And...I know this is stupid as shit but...I saw her as a mother too. As much of a mother than an abandoned orphan can have."

Blitzø went silent, softly putting a hand on Fizzarolli's shoulder. Fizzarolli continued with what he was saying.

"I know I'm oversharing, but...there were days at the hospital where I would just stare at the door and wait for her to come and see me. It's stupid I know but..." Fizzarolli stopped talking, tears flowing down his face. "She felt like a mother to me."

"I'm so sorry Fizz-" Blitzø started before stopping. Tears ran down his face as well. He had to gasp to catch his breath.

Fizzarolli pulled Blitzø into a hug. His robotic arms coiled up Blitzø's body, holding him in a warm and comforting embrace. Blitzø cried harder, squeezing Fizzarolli. Fizzarolli leaned into the hug.

"I probably brought up bad memories. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything," Fizzarolli sobbed. He rubbed his eyes with his robotic hands, a small whirring being emitted from them.

"It's alright, Fizz..." Blitzø said looking over at his friend who was still holding him close. "Thank you."

Fizzarolli smiled, releasing Blitzø. He was still crying slightly, but he seemed better.

"Anytime," He spoke, wiping his eyes again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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