"Molting (Stolitz)"

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{Hello, readers! I just wanted to quickly say that no I have not given up on the Fizzarolli's backstory chapters. All of those chapters normally have well over 2,000 words, which take me longer to write. I hope you enjoy this small fluff oneshot to hold you all off!

Also, I am going through tons of writers block, so I'm very sorry if this isn't as good as you would want. I tried to keep it as up to par with my other oneshots (my other book) as I can. 💜

But, I digress. I hope you enjoy! 💜}


Nothing felt more off to Blitzø than this day did. The biggest thing was how usually, Stolas would come and help Blitzø with organization or just to see how he was doing. But he wasn't there. That stressed him out more than he thought it should.

He also didn't have any clients for once, which felt more than odd to him. However, it's not like he could do anything about it. And there still wasn't any trace of Stolas. So, him and Loona went home.

Loona quickly had to leave because Vortex had invited her to another party. She sprinted out of the house after getting changed. She told Blitzø that she wouldn't need him this time. He trusted her to go out and come back okay.

But, this left Blitzø by himself. By himself to think. To worry. To let his separation anxiety rise and take over.

He had just planned on watching his huge collection of western movies, and maybe having something to drink. Okay. Definitely having something to drink. Maybe getting drunk. He didn't know. He would decide once he started.

But, as soon as he turned one of them on, his phone started to ring. He quickly fumbled for it, hoping it was his boyfriend calling. However, when he saw who it was, his confusion became evident.

The caller wasn't Stolas. Or Loona. Or Moxxie. Or Millie. Or even Fizzarolli.

It was Octavia.

Blitzø quickly picked up the phone, and took the call. His anxiety was bouncing off of the walls. Was Stolas okay?

"Hello? Via, what's wrong? Are you okay? Is Stolas okay?" Blitzø quickly asked. His other hand's fingers drummed nervously. His tail was still with panic.

"Yes. Actually, no. Ugh! I don't know! He's being difficult!" Octavia grumbled. "He's been locked in his room all day! I made him some food, and he shooed me away! He made me leave it outside! This is so unlike him!"

Octavia paused. "...Can you come check on him? Please? He might not listen to me, so...maybe he'll listen to you...?"

Blitzø's face was covered in worry.

"I'll be there in five," Blitzø practically yelled, smashing his phone on accident.

~Five minute timeskip~

Blitzø anxiously rapped on the door, shifting his weight between his feet uncomfortably. He couldn't believe Stolas would ever act like this.

Was it his fault? Was Stolas just going through another depressive episode? Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck. This was his fault. It was his fault. It was his fault.

"Blitzø? Are you okay?" Octavia asked, looking down at the small imp. She had a look of concern on her face as she stared.

Blitzø nodded, trying to play off his genuine fear that Stolas hated him and wanted nothing to do with him and wanted to leave him and hated him and wanted nothing to do with him and wanted to leave him and wanted-

"Blitzø! Calm the fuck down!" Octavia said, anger lacing her tone. "I don't know what's wrong with you, but....just please help dad,"

"Of course, Octopus. I'm sorry," Blitzø apologized.

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