that wasn't very ucey

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DECEMBER; 2 Days before Christmas

I look at Jey and smile, " after all this time you still kept your word." " And you still have your little no dating rule."

I laughed to myself a bit, I was at the airport and he was on the phone making sure I got onto my flight safely, " I love you Jey." " I love you too Armani."


I smile and blow a kiss to the phone, " I'll see you guys in 4 hours! I have to be a fighting Hall Of Famer you know."

" Our favorite Hall Of Famer, but okay we love you ! See you then."

As the phone hung up I smiled and looked at my wallpaper of me, jey, and jimmy. Me and my boys, I will always cherish them.

I looked down at Jonni, my daughter. She hugged my leg and smiled, " was that dad on the phone?"



I looked at Jey and shook my head, " you can't just march in here every fucking time you want and declare your love for me. What haven't any of you gotten through your fucking heads, I don't date. I don't want to date. The idea of dating scares me, I only care about my job, so for the love of fucking god can you please just let me do that."

Jimmy put his arm on my shoulder and looked at Jey, " i think it's best if you leave for awhile Jey."

" you're seriously gonna pick her over me uce? Seriously?"

" No , I'm not picking anyone over anyone. I just don't think you both should be in the same room that's all."

" fuck this." Jey walked out the door slamming it.

I looked at Jimmy, " do you think I was wrong?"

" No, I think you were pretty nice about it." He pulled me into a hug and kissed my head. Times like this with Jimmy made me want to be in a relationship, the love and comfort he gave me when things were messy was all the reassurance I could ever want and need.

Truly if someone told me to make a choice right here right now i would choose him in a heartbeat but then again my heart also longs for Jey. The laughs and the smiles we give each other, the constant reassurance, the fighting, all of it would be worth it if we ended up together.

Sometimes I imagine a life with both of them and how it would be. Would it be peaceful? Will it be perfect? Will there be fights? Will it all be worth it? Will I witness the ending of the USO's as a tag team and see them as individual stars?

As time passed on and the matches went on, Jimmy had to leave me for his promo. I watched him while on the couch when the door opened and I leaned my head up to see Asia. She was walking with crutches and she came and sat down on the couch beside me.

" before you try to break my other leg.. I wanted to apologize."

I looked at her puzzled, " why would I ever believe an apology that comes out of your mouth?" She signed and handed me her phone, it was her and jey's messages.

++ jey u.

asia: jey i really want this work between us

Jey: you know i don't like you in that way asia,

i've told you that since that we went out with each other

Asia: i thought by now especially since you and

armani aren't working together, things would be different

Jey: no, nothing will ever change about that. 

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