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Now Playing: Melting by Bambam

Sunlight poured it's way through Felix's windows, causing him to open his eyes. After yesterday, the process of moving Lee Know's boxes in tired him out. Felix stretched while getting up, letting out a small yawn. While rubbing his eyes, a wonderful smell infatuated him, and he carefully got out of bed to make his way towards the scent.

Once Felix was near the kitchen, he noticed that Lee Know was making something.

"Lee Know? You know how to cook?"

Felix's voice startled the older slightly and he flinched before he looked back at him.

"Of course I do. I had to learn in order to take care of myself." he replied.

Hearing this reply made Felix feel stupid for asking. "Oh, obviously...I shouldn't have asked."

Lee Know shook his head with a small smile. "Just sit and I'll make you a plate."

"Oh?" Felix questioned, "You really don't have to."

"I insist. Besides, we go to our classes in a few and I don't want you to go on an empty stomach."

Instead of arguing with Lee Know further, Felix just decided to comply and sat at the table, patiently waiting for Lee Know to finish setting the plates.

"Here we are~" Lee Know hummed in a sing song tune, placing the platter in front of Felix who glanced down at it.

Felix studied it, admiring the presentation of the food that Lee Know whipped up. It looked so perfect, almost too perfect to even eat. Felix lifted up his fork, piling some of the food into his mouth.

He wasn't disappointed.

In fact, out of sheer joy, Felix began to kick his feet while giggling. It was quite the reaction over food; however, Lee Know thought that Felix's reaction was endearing. Lee Know didn't cook too often for people and watching the smile on Felix's face grow just let him know that he should let people taste his food more often.

"It must be good." Lee Know suddenly spoke, wanting to break the small moment of silence between them.

Felix's eyes went wide, "Are you kidding?!" he shrieked, "This is phenomenal!"

Felix's overjoyed reaction earned a wide smile from Lee Know who was glad that Felix enjoyed the food.

"I'm so happy that you enjoy it." Lee Know said quietly.

While the two ate, Lee Know continued to watch Felix's happy reactions to his food and it made him feel so much better about his cooking.

The way that Felix practically gushed over his love for the man's food tinted Lee Know's cheeks and ears, making them fade into a reddish hue.

"I've never gotten this much love out of my cooking." Lee Know suddenly spoke, causing Felix to stop eating so he could respond.

"You should receive more love from it." Felix hummed, proceeding to stuff more into his mouth. "It's delicious, you should think about opening a business."

However, Lee Know shook his head, disagreeing. "I want to be a dancer, not a cook."

Felix perked up and looked at Lee Know. "You would be an amazing cook though." he commented.

Felix's comment on his skills undoubtedly made him feel good about his talent of cooking. However, Lee Know wanted to hear more about Felix's talents.

"I may be good, but you told me yourself that you're a good cook." Lee Know mentioned.

"Yes, but I don't think I'm as good as you are." Felix said, finishing up his plate and standing up to wash it in the kitchen.

Felix's words surprised Lee Know to say the least, and he stood up as well to wash his plate. He came up next to Felix to speak more to him.

"You know, I am a good cook, but I still want lessons from you. You have knowledge about more recipes than I do." Lee Know testified.

A small smile and red tint creeped up to Felix's face. "I'll be sure to teach you some recipes I know then."

"You promise?" Lee Know inquired.

Felix proceeded to turn to Lee Know, holding his pinky finger out. "I promise... if you promise to teach me how to dance."

Agreeing with this idea, Lee Know wrapped his pinky finger around Felix's and nodded. "I promise."

Lee Know's actions shocked Felix since he didn't actually expect Lee Know to pinky promise him. Nonetheless, he was grateful for Lee Know's response to Felix's pinky promise.

"Great! Now we both can't break that promise." Felix smiled, retreating back into his task.

Lee Know was pretty excited to learn new recipes and was also excited to teach Felix how to dance. Lee Know glanced at his freckled face and that warm smile wouldn't leave his face.

Although Felix and Lee Know had only fully met yesterday, Lee Know was positive that they would continue to share beautiful moments with each other.

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