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YN was sat in on the sofa in the compound common room watching as Tony and Rhodey belted the lyrics out to the song 'Back in Black' by AC/DC. Letting out a small laugh she looked at Bucky who had walked towards her.

"Do you want a beer YN?" He questioned. YN hesitated before shaking her head. She couldn't think of a response quick enough before Nat pulled a face at her response.

"You love beer!" She exclaimed before giving her bottle. YN reluctantly took the beer before glancing at Wanda who shared the same look as her.

"I'm honestly fine. I've got an early work call in the morning and we all know that one drink is never one drink." YN said as she placed the bottle on the side table beside her. As she leant over the arm of the sofa she looked up and her eyes had met Steve's. He had a small little smile on his face and his eyes had a sparkle to them. Sending an awkward one back she turned her attention back to Rhodey and Tony who had finished their song.

"Your turn YN!" Thor shouts causing most of the avengers to wince at his volume. YN frowned.

"Since when was I on the list to sing?" YN laughs and moves to get more comfortable in her seat. Thor stood up and walked to her before wrapping his extremely large hand around her smaller one, pulling her to her feet and handing her one of the karaoke mic. "Please guys I'm a horrible singer."

"Who was that I heard singing in the shower two days ago?" Natasha questioned with a smirk on her lips. YN shot Nat a glare before Yelena laughed.

"You're not terrible YN, just sing that song you sang at your office talent show you did for charity." Yelena added as she sipped her beer and smirked leaning into the sofa. YN watched as Nat had picked the song and the tune began to play.

"Oh life is bigger.. It's bigger than you.. And you are not me." YN sang as she tried to hide her face from embarrassment, she tried to focus on the words and not look at the avengers. "The lengths that I will go to. The distance in your eyes. Oh no I've said too much. I set it up." YN looked away from the screen and her eyes had caught Steve's who was sat there with a look of awe sprawled across his features. He had one of his arms propped up with his chin resting on the palm of his hand. "That's me in the corner. That's me in the spot-light. Losing my religion."

As YN sang the lyrics to her childhood song, she was pulled to Steve almost like magnet. Her eyes never left his and she felt some sort of comfort within them. Steve was infatuated with the woman stood before him singing like an angel.

"Trying to keep up with you. And I don't know if I can do it. Oh no I've said too much. I haven't said enough.."

Steve had zoned out of the noise around him, his entire focus on her. She almost looked like she was glowing. Her eyes full of an emotion he couldn't quite put his finger on but it seemed to give him a fuzzy feeling inside. No don't be silly Steve, she has a boyfriend. Steve snapped out of his trance when he heard the sound of people clapping. He joined in and sent YN a big smile and she had returned it.


The next day YN, Wanda, Nat and Sharon had decided to meet on YN's break for some lunch. They had a picked to meet at a beautiful little cafè called Waylands. Just as YN turned up she saw it was just Sharon and Wanda sat down. She decided to sit beside Sharon and smiled at Wanda who was sat opposite Sharon.

"Have you two ordered yet?" YN asked as she tucked her bag under the table by her legs. Sharon shook her head before Wanda handed YN a menu.

"We were waiting for you and Natasha." Sharon said taking a sip of her drink. YN nodded and began to scan the menu when she felt her stomach churn. Not now! YN thought as she rubbed her tummy. She smiled as she saw the waitress walk over, note pad in hand.

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