CHAPTER NINE - Synchronized Flashing of Fireflies

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A pretty girl stood in the first row of seats in the class Care for Magical Creatures. She had silky hickory-brown hair cut in a short bob and had pinned a golden hippogriff badge to her chest. Poppy Sweeting had the most infectious smile, her white teeth almost too bright in the morning sun. It warmed Tori's heart seeing it come so freely and beaming with such kindness.

Tori formed a nervous fist with her right hand and winced as her fingers on her hand hadn't fully healed - resulting in limited use of her wand. Explaining why seven of her fingers were crushed too the nurse was not fun. The old woman with a greasy grey bun and yellow teeth kept on asking question after question about her suspicious injury, until finally Tori had been able to convince her that she had just fallen off her broom while practicing.

Tori headed towards the outdoors classroom with purposeful strides; Poppy gave her a welcoming wave. Poppy stood underneath the tall spiral roof that provided shade to the warn desks and old chalkboard where Professor Howin taught. The sounds of various animals echoed on the highland's winds, the kneazles purred and the diriclaws escaped once again, running circles around the third years.

Tori headed straight for her usual seat at the front with Poppy. They had been friends since the day they had met, their casual and almost daily talks warming her heart with a sense of serenity. Their shared love for animals and shared hatred for poachers planting the seeds for friendship. Both girls had a passion for creatures and the ultimate protection of them, the bond had come so easily the first day she had interacted with Poppy. Professor Howin's voice boomed over the angry winds as the professor summoned the gathered student's attention.

The lessons topic was biometrics of a demiguise. Personally, Tori had never personally seen a demiguise, but from overhearing Mr moon muttering about them while he roamed the halls put her off the idea of ever seeing one. The lesson seemed to drag on forever and the professor recited things she already knew; Tori was quickly bored. Though she didn't pay attention in classes Tori still had top marks, much to Professor Howin's dismay. The only challenger to her grades was Poppy who was a close second – now only a mark below herself. Tori carefully and silently reached her unmaimed hand out for the parchment and quill in her satchel and set about writing.

How was your day, Poppy?

Oh my god my grans baby nifflers were born yesterday they were soooo cute!

Aww you better bring me along the next time you see her so I can say hi and see the pups!!

Will do! What happened to your hand???

Just fell from my broom in practice nothing to worry about.

Must have hurt.

Yeah, but it doesn't hurt as much as my brain does listening to Howin.

Poppy snorted at the joke and covered her mouth with her robes - trying to muffle the laugh with a coughing noise that sounded more like a dying kneazle. Tori stared at her and tried to hold in her own laughter while admiring her lightly freckled skin. Poppy was gorgeous there was no doubt, where Tori had her worries Poppy reassured her with bright happiness – when she was around Poppy all of her worries and problems seemed to drift away. Tori watched Poppy in undisturbed peace, the crinkles of her dimples forming and her wide tooth gap between her front teeth, Poppy hated it but Tori couldn't help to admire it.

"What's the commotion for young ladies?" Professor Howin watched the girls giggling and rolled her eyes. Her tone amused but annoyance flickered in her eyes. This behaviour from herself and Poppy must have gotten to her, it was quite repetitive. "Keep it down will you, I know your both excellent students but some of the others are not." The Professor gave a pointed look to a nearby Slytherin boy, his nose was crooked, and he had unappealingly deep dimples. They were not like Poppy's which were soft and complimented her round face perfectly.

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