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The dragon was basking in the mid-morning sun. His silvery, white scales refracted the rays of sunshine – leaving the reading nook shimmering. Tori lounged comfortably on the brown couch which was embedded in the wall. Her feet were propped up on the tacky leather. Falkor yawned tiredly and was laying on the arm rest at her feet. His little body shuddered with the yawn as he dosed off once more.

The library had been inclined to provide Tori with a safe and fireproof space for which Falkor and herself could relax in. The room had seemed to take her on a detour from her usual route when Falkor had excitedly trot through the archway. His little, clawed paws thumping against the wood planks. The wound on Tori's cheek had closed fully once she had visited the school nurse. Yet again the elderly woman had asked how she had gotten the nasty hole in her cheek, and yet again Tori had made up another half assed excuse

"A hex backfired." was this times excuse. The grey witch had raised her bushy eyebrows and gave Tori a skeptical analyze. She had thought this time the nurse would report the influx of injuries, but the nurse hadn't said another word and got back to patching her up. Tori, even though only arriving a few months ago frequented the drab hospital wing. Its white curtains and sanitary equipment became a second home for her. The nurses didn't ask as many questions about her reoccurring visits anymore

Falkor sneezed and a huff of smoke polluted the clear air. The library shuddered in response; a few books fell from their shelves. As though the library even though providing a warded area in which the dragons fire would not burn anything was still scared the little creature would burn it to ashes. How peculiar.

The room of requirement was capable of many things but animating a library, was that even possible? Even though she wasn't new to the magical world, the expanse of its capabilities still amazed Tori – even after being emersed in the world for ten years. The fact that werewolves, dragons, vampires, and other fairy tale creatures existed excited Tori.

A screech echoed through the sunny library. Falkor jumped, his spike spine hunched like a cat. The tiny dragon flapped his to large wings and attempted to fly from his previous perch to Tori. His previous sleepiness long gone and now replaced by fear. Falkor was not ready to fly yet. He had hatched only a few days previous and as expected when he tried to set off the tiny beast stumbled and flopped down on her belly. Tori laughed and the dragon huffed his annoyance. Another screech sounded and Falkor shuddered and attempted to hide in the crook of her arm and body.

The great horned owl swooped in from the paned window. A little opening at the top allowed the owl inside the otherwise hidden library. Tori had no idea what resided outside the room or where it was. The room continued to expand but never had the structure of the castle changed – as if the room never existed. The question perplexed her, but she had no real reason to find the answer. It was here and that's all she needed.

The owl had a letter gripped in its sharp beak. With a hoot it landed on the nearby coffee table – embedding its claws into the soft wood. "Hello there, is that for me?" Tori cooed and reached out her free arm to pat the great bird. Her other arm occupied by the hiding dragon. The Brown owl hooted in response and craned its neck into Tori's outstretched hand – accepting the peace offering. As she retracted her hand the owl dropped the letter into it.

Fear and uncertainty radiated off of Falkor as the little dragon poked his head out and sniffed the letter before retreating back to the warmth of her body. His scales cold even through the fabric of her corset. Her attire was very simple just a corset, blouse and breachers. Tori usually didn't focus much on her clothes or appearance. Her hair always lay in disarray and soft curls often caressed her cheek as they fell from her low bun.

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